Your thoughts...

Joined Jul 2005
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What are your thoughts on CAO cigars? I am currently working on a CAO Gold Robusto and its pretty good but I am no cigar aficiando by any means. So I'd like to know what everyone else thinks about them.

I just picked up my first Diploma today and its marinating in my humidor right now :D I'm really excited about trying it.

Another question, how long does it take for a humidor to stabilize? I added the glycol solution to my humidifier earlier today and my digital hygrometer is reading 62%. Do I need to add more solution or what? I heard that it takes up to 2 days before a humidor really does its magic. Any suggestions?


CAO Gold is my favorite cigar. I smoke a corona gorda everyday. It has a nice even burn, and never goes out. The best part is, if for some reason I have to let it go out, I can re-light it the next day, and it still tastes the same.
Synce, I have not tried the gold, but I have tried the Italia series. I smoked two and they both had major draw problems. Flavor was a very one dimentional chocolate. Nothing developed, pretty much stayed the same throughout. Would I try them again? Probably, but I will let them rest for a couple months in a lower (65-67%) RH. Ryan
I am very fond of CAO. I love the L'Anniversaire Cameroons, one of my top cigars. I also like the Gold and the Criollo. I've tried the Italia's, not that great. The Brazilia's are a little bit better.
Capt said:
Synce, I have not tried the gold, but I have tried the Italia series. I smoked two and they both had major draw problems. Flavor was a very one dimentional chocolate. Nothing developed, pretty much stayed the same throughout. Would I try them again? Probably, but I will let them rest for a couple months in a lower (65-67%) RH. Ryan

That's wierd. The Gold I had drawed nicely. Maybe just a bad luck of the draw? (Ha, no pun intended) Anyways, I'm still a newbie so I've got alot more to try. The Gold was just better than some of the cigars I have tried except the Padron. The Padron are nice.

Thanks for all of your replies!
Had a Padron this morning, not that great. Had a Sancho Panza yesterday morning that was much better.
I really enjoy the MX2 robustos. Very good smoke for a reasonable price. I also have started sampling the Brazilia line and have found them rather dull. They were fresh from the distributor though so I'm going to wait on the final verdict until I've aged the others I bought. The cameroon box pressed tubo was also good.
The only CAO i've had is the Brazilia Gol

Smooth draw full flavor - lots of smoke. One of the best I've had.
bkelm18 said:
Had a Padron this morning, not that great.
give the padrons another try, they are my favorite as well as many others on the board (3000 mady is straight up magic!)
You will find a huge difference between the CAO Gold and the Diploma. If you like fuller bodied cigars you will fall in love with the Diploma, and soon you will alloting a good portion of you cigar budget to buy them.....just a warning!!!

I agree with MasterShake Padron 3000 is a very good cigar...give them another chance!
Synce said:
Another question, how long does it take for a humidor to stabilize? I added the glycol solution to my humidifier earlier today and my digital hygrometer is reading 62%. Do I need to add more solution or what? I heard that it takes up to 2 days before a humidor really does its magic. Any suggestions?

The more PG you add the lower your RH will be!
It does not evaporate as quickly as water, so it should not be used everytime you fill the credo.
A 50/50 mix should be used every 6 months and just water
imbetween then.

Now when you say Stabilize - how long have you had this humidor?
If it's new it will take longer 3-7 days depending on where you live and how dry it was when you started.
If just a refill - well over night 2 days depending?
CastleCrest said:
Synce said:
Another question, how long does it take for a humidor to stabilize? I added the glycol solution to my humidifier earlier today and my digital hygrometer is reading 62%. Do I need to add more solution or what? I heard that it takes up to 2 days before a humidor really does its magic. Any suggestions?

The more PG you add the lower your RH will be!
It does not evaporate as quickly as water, so it should not be used everytime you fill the credo.
A 50/50 mix should be used every 6 months and just water
imbetween then.

Now when you say Stabilize - how long have you had this humidor?
If it's new it will take longer 3-7 days depending on where you live and how dry it was when you started.
If just a refill - well over night 2 days depending?

Its a new humidor. I just received the humidifier yesterday and filled it up with 50/50 solution. The humidity outside is around 50-60%. I checked it this morning (approx. 8 hours after I filled it up) and the hygrometer is reading about 62%. I guess I've to to give the humidor a little more marinating to do.

Synce said:
Its a new humidor. I just received the humidifier yesterday and filled it up with 50/50 solution. The humidity outside is around 50-60%. I checked it this morning (approx. 8 hours after I filled it up) and the hygrometer is reading about 62%. I guess I've to to give the humidor a little more marinating to do.


Personally I like 62% - but what kind of Hygrometor is it?

I do not put cigars in a new humidor for a few days - gives the box a chance to do it's thing.
But - if it's to late for that - at 62% your cigars will be fine.
I have my cabinet set at 63% so you should have no worries at 62%.
Leave it alone now and check it again tomorrow.

p.s. Forget the whole 70/70 - a load of Crap! :?
Well thats good news. Its consistant around 62%.

I have a Madelaine hyrgo/thermometer that I picked up at a local cigar shop. I salt tested it and it seems to be right on 75%.
ill second the diploma addiction. i told myself 8 bucks was too much to spend on a cigar, but with all the talk i had to try one. now ive bought my first diploma box lol.
I am going to give my second Diploma another week or so. I smoked the first one (courtesey of Smoka) as soon as it got here. I couldn't help it!! And it was still Awesome!!
CAO Gold is an old favorite of mine. I like the Corona Gorda. Also one of the best bang for the buck cigars around. I also like the L'Anniversaire in Cameroon and Maduro wrappers. I've had the Brazilia, nice cigar but too strong for me. I've also had the eXtreme, nice, but I'll stick with the others.
I’ve always had good experiences with CAO. Usually the regular lines (Gold, Black, Brazilia, Italia, etc.). The special editions have been disappointing from time to time (Odyssey, 65th anniversary), not bad, just no better than the regular lines – would rather sink those extra couple of dollars into a box of criollos.
Riiiiiiiiight, CAO Black, I forgot about that one, great cigar. And you're right, the overpriced, overhyped Odyssey was just that, a cigar odyssey to nowhere.