Hi from Iraq

Joined Mar 2007
11 Posts | 0+
Just saying hi from Iraq i have gotten into the cigar habit and enjoy at least 1 daily with my smoke group of about 15 Soldiers and a couple of civillian 8)
Welcome! Glad to hear you are getting the chance to enjoy some cigars over there. I look forward to hearing from you on the forum.
Welcome to the board! Good to have you here!
Thank you for serving!

Where have you been getting your cigars?
Good to have support
im at camp victory

normally i get smokes from Cigar.com CI and Cigar bid
Welcome to the Forum. Always glad to see service members on the forum. Stay safe and God bless.
Hang around as much as you can.
Everyone here is most interested - in Cigars & Soldiers!
God Bless!

We are proud of your work and pray for your safety!


thank you soo much for your service to our country.

hope you stay safe and take a whole bunch of them terrorist
nuts out if you get a chance.

my dad was a retired colonel in the marine corp and did 2
tours of korea and 3 in viet nam.

what your doing is right, it is needed and our countrys very
survival depends on it. thank you so much for doing your

what do you like to smoke?
Well i really like cao blacks but mostly i try to buy Gurka regent box pressed
Welcome to this forum.

May I ask how you maintain your cigars? If you have the ability to maintain about 100 cigars or so (for as long as they may last you), I would gladly send a package out your way.

If this interests you, you may e-mail me at badhangover @ aol dot com. Please title the e-mail appropriately so I do not confuse it as spam and delete it sight unseen.
jrawl said:
Well i really like cao blacks but mostly i try to buy Gurka regent box pressed

both of those are great. I think the Gurkha is very good and complex.