Cigar to Celebrate With

Joined Oct 2003
101 Posts | 0+
Hello to all,
This is my first time posting in the Cigar Section. I only recently (5 months) turned 18 so I am still learning this intricate hobby. I would like to ask for suggestions from more experienced cigar smokers. Tomorrow is my last day of high school, followed shortly by the graduation ceremony. I would like your suggestions on a good, mild to medium cigar to smoke to celebrate this time in my life. I tried at the local smoke shop, but the woman working the counter knew less than I do about cigars. Apparently, while they have a good selection of pipes and cigars, most of the sales are hookahs and roll your own supplies. They seem to have all the major brands like Cohiba, Montecristo, H. Uppman, A. Fuente, RyJ, Padron, Punch, etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appricieated
Well congrats on your graduation! It has always been a difficult task to decide on a celebration cigar, not to mention when to light it. You don't want to light too soon, you may rush through it.

Depends on what you have smoked in the past, here are a few choices I may select:

Pardon 1926
Ashton VSG
Fuente Hemmingway (Masterpiece)

I know the VSG is a bit stronger, but a great cigar no less. Good luck in your choice.

Since I haven't bought any cigars in years, and all the cigars I've smoked the past few years, which is very few, were sent to me by others, let me muddle a bit.

CAO Gold
Montecristo (the regular Dominican line)
Romeo y Julieta (the Dominican, of course, and the regular line, which may go by a slightly different name)
Ashton (Regular line, may be named differently now) Too expensive for a high school grad, unless you had money to burn. Almost flavorless, but has the incredible texture of very dry champagne, a delight to smoke because of that alone.

That's it for now, will think more about this.
Bloof you are not smoking cigars much!?!?!?!?! Is the world coming to an end? You used to send me such a great sample!
No money for cigars, running a huge monthly deficit, landlord VERY unhappy with me, and about to have everything in my storage space auctioned off, plus at least one or two services get turned off just about every month for a day or so. The only cigars I have left are the ones people sent me years ago, and there are precious few of those left. Last, but not least, about four years ago, cigars, even well aged weak cigars, starting having a huge effect on me, lasting until the next day, and it wasn't a good effect. It was as though weak cigars suddenly became much stronger, and medium bodied cigars became out of the question, so I cut way down. Now, I have almost no cigars, so even if I wanted them more often, I can't, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!