Cream and sugar or straight up

No Cream , No Sugar , maybe a little whisky when it is cold outside , dont kill the coffee , smoke a cigar with it !! Enjoy, Vince
bubble and sqweak is mashed potatoe firied with cabbage and onions , mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it is traditional in most british families to have it for dinner on Boxing day (the day after Christmas) with cold turkey
Gotcha. I just hadn't heard of that food in the States for years, and couldn't recall what it was. Sounds good to me.
oh yeah it is lovely - mmmmmMMMMmmm, I am really hungry thinking about it, licking my lips can't wait till december 26th :D
I go back and forth. For most time I have milk and splenda or equal. I love my dunkin donuts iced French vanilla with milk and equal. That is my everyday brew to enjoy.

Now: if we are talking coffee to accent a nice cigar; it has to be a black arabica. I had a great jamacian blue with a CAO brasil. The draw on the cigar was awful; but the coffee was good. Great nut on the front but a little bitter on the finish.
I started drinking coffee at the age of 12, with a lot of milk and sugar. Over the years, I drifted away from the sugar (lost my sweet tooth), and went to just a dash of cream, to "knock the edge off". Good Arabica beans don't really require the cream, but I use it out of habit. As for tea, I like it hot and unadulterated. People stare at me when I drink it that way, but I love it. I don't even put sugar in iced tea (and here in Texas, as across the South, "sweet tea" is a staple. If you don't know what "sweet tea" is, you ain't a Southerner and shouldn't be bothered.)

I once bought a five pound brick of China Black tea. It didn't last nearly as long as I'd anticipated, but I did enjoy it. It was compressed, and required shaving to get any loose for use.
Good times.
Hello All!

My name is Brenda and I usually post on the Cigar Forum.

I love coffee. I'm 28 and I've been drinking coffee since I was 12. For years, I would only drink my coffee black. The few times I would drink iced coffee I would add cream and sugar in the raw.

Lately (the past couple of months,) I've had my coffee with cream and sugar. Maybe, I can blame my sweet tooth? 97% of the time my coffee is black. I've noticed the cream and sugar thing is fading out.

As for tea, I drink Earl Grey with sugar I'll drink it with cream only on the Tuesdays with a full moon and the stars are. . . okay, well sometimes (rarely) with cream.
I started drinking a few years ago, and had to have cream and sugar. Lately, I have shied away from the sugar, but still enjoy a "splash" of cream. Not too much, just enough for a dark caramel color. Thanks to a few good (and very patient) people here, I am in the process taking my coffee drinking to better level. Looking forward to trying some REAL coffe that you all talk about, instead of the commercial pre-ground stuff I am used to. Capt, Brenda thanks for your help.... Bloof, I know I have taken up WAY too much of your time. Thank you all very much for putting up with all my questions.
Spider66 said:
I started drinking a few years ago, and had to have cream and sugar. Lately, I have shied away from the sugar, but still enjoy a "splash" of cream. Not too much, just enough for a dark caramel color. Thanks to a few good (and very patient) people here, I am in the process taking my coffee drinking to better level. Looking forward to trying some REAL coffe that you all talk about, instead of the commercial pre-ground stuff I am used to. Capt, Brenda thanks for your help.... Bloof, I know I have taken up WAY too much of your time. Thank you all very much for putting up with all my questions.
Thats what this place is for, to answer questions & spew advice, just remember that free advice is only worth what yoiu pay for it. , some time experance is the best teacher. , the better the coffee the less additives it needs, but even the best coffee in the world can be made a little better with a weeee dramm of whisky in it ! hahahaha Enjoy , Vince
Thanks, Vince. Although maybe I should be blaming you!! Reading your posts is one of the biggest factors in my delving into a couple of these new "hobbies" of mine... You just always make it sound so good! You have a great day, and keep those posts coming
they sound good for a reason, They are good ! Cigars Coffee & whisky, all natural all good, no chemicals added, just the way God made them. Enjoy, Vince