Developing Your Palate

Joined Apr 2006
2K Posts | 1+
on the grass
I am by no means an expert on the topic of cigars but, (being a cook and a wine connoisseur) I do know a bit about taste.
When you taste food most of the taste comes from smell. We all know this. All that the human tongue can actually taste is salt, sweet, and bitter. To develop your palate you need to develop your sense of smell. This may seem like a difficult task but it isn’t hard. It just takes practice. Another thing that helps is knowing what you are looking for.
I do enjoy a glass of wine. If it was up to me I would have a glass of wine with every meal. I like to taste all the little flavors going on in the wine, but being able to identify them took practice. Here is how I taste wine:
1) Pour glass less than half way full.
2) Swirl and look for impurities (cork from opening)
3) Take a deep sniff of it.
4) Take a small amount in and hold in the mouth
5) Smell again
6) Swallow

When I do this I can smell everything in the wine and identify what is in it.

But, how do I know what to look for?
Good question.
Look up what other people say about the wine. If they say it has a black cherry smell to it, go out and buy a black cherry. (Try it: Blackstone Merlot does in fact taste like black cherry) Cut the cherry in half and place it in a wine glass and smell it. Then pour the wine in another glass and smell it. Notice the similarities. After a while you learn to point out taste on your own.

How does this relate to cigars?
Another good question.
Read reviews. If someone says it has a hint of coffee then smell some coffee while smoking a cigar. I recently red a thread here where someone said they could taste Macadamia nuts. Buy that cigar and some macadamia nuts. Smoke the cigar and eat the nuts. Notice how they are the same. How else are you supposed to identify a taste if you don’t have a reference point? Basically, you need to learn the common smells and tastes of cigars. (Nutty, pepper, leather, and so on)

Develop a smoke strategy. Much like my wine tasting, I have found a way to taste cigars better then when I first started. I feel the cigar, I look at it closely and I spend a lot of time smelling the cigar pre-smoke. Before I clip, I lick the cap. I use the method described in “lighting cigars 101.” (that was a great thread) I make sure to blow at least one puff out through my nose (albeit a small one). All of this helps me understand the cigar better.
Read reviews, buy the flavors mentioned, try the cigar, and decide for yourself. At worst you’ll enjoy a few good smokes.
I was watching a food show the other day with that big name English Guy I think it was Gordon Ramsay... Anyway, he was beating up scottish chef because his dishes were too complex...

So my question Is ... what is best about a cigar... complexity or simplicity... ?
kuzi, thanks for posting that

Very simple and logical way to approach just about anything.
Thanks for that insight, kuzi.

As for the "leathery" taste, should the smoker lick/chew on a piece of leather as reference? :shock: :p Joking. I relate to "leather" tastes by the smell of leather, and assume that's what it would taste like.
purge your cigars.
the draw you take after the purge is pure thick flavorful cool smoke.
thats the truest way to get the flavor notes from the cigar.
In the Cigar Aficianado Cigar 101 section online, they mention purging as something you can do immediately after lighting, but they seem very insistent that it should only be done once.

They don't explain why it should only be done once, even though the technique is briefly mentioned in two or three places on their pages. My only guess would be that some believe you can contaminate and/or humidify the cigar with your breath if you do it a lot.

I purge whenever I detect a slightly overbitter note. It helps, though I don't know if that is because it cools the cigar, or expels stale gasses from the cigar body. Any opinions?
Another thing I try to do is puff very slowly when you get to the last inches of your cigar - it stays cooler that way, and you will get more flavor and less pure heat from the smoke.
I purge after every few draws and have never noticed any ill effects. Sometimes it changes the burn rate kin spots but that's easily corrected if it get's out of hand.
So my question Is ... what is best about a cigar... complexity or simplicity... ?

I guess it depends on the mood you are in. If i want to spend an hour trying to understand my cigar i want a complex one. If im drinkin a fer beers and playin cards gimme something thats simple.

in the heat of the dog days of summer i like a more mild cigar.
if im sitting around the fire during the winter months i want a more robust cigar.
(Again) Much like wine there is a perfect cigar for every situation. you just have to decide what that cigar and situation combo is.

oh and doc... i do chew on leather. puts hair on your chest :thumbsup:
I too try an and draw a small amount of smoke into my nose in order to get a real feel for the cigar.

I would prefer pushing the smoke out through my nose, without inhaling.

But, as of yet, I have not be able to draw the smoke into my mouth, and exhale though my nose.

Any suggestions on how you all accomplish this.

The first time I was able to do it I did it by drawing some smoke into my mouth then puffing out my cheeks. I started to breathe out through my nose and then collapsed my cheeks while still breathing out. It’ll catch you off guard if it’s too big of a puff, though.

good luck
I have manaqed to blow smoke out my nose a few times, but you have to be very carefull doing that - the smoke is very harsh untill you get used to it.
As I said, I am been drawing it into my nose to better taste the cigar. I don't find this too harsh. I just assume that I am inhaling some of the smoke when I do it this way.

That is way I would like to draw it into my mouth, and just exhale a small amount out through my nose, just enough to really 'taste' the cigar.

I just draw the cigar, then close my mouth without exhaling. Your mouth remains "hollow", having all the smoke still in it, like you have a mouthful of water or something. Then I exhale through my nose while relaxing my mouth back to its normal rest position (mouth still closed). This forces all the smoke from your mouth and into the airstream leaving through your nose.

It takes a little practice, but works so well for me that I get too much smoke through my nose and "burn" it. I've solved this by blowing most of the smoke out of my mouth normally before closing it, leaving just a trace to go out through my nose. Just keep practicing.

Once your eyes water up and your nose burns, you know you're on the right track. :) Then cut back on the amount of smoke you "load" your mouth with. Good Luck!
soupwell said:
I just draw the cigar, then close my mouth without exhaling. Your mouth remains "hollow", having all the smoke still in it, like you have a mouthful of water or something. Then I exhale through my nose while relaxing my mouth back to its normal rest position (mouth still closed). This forces all the smoke from your mouth and into the airstream leaving through your nose.

It takes a little practice, but works so well for me that I get too much smoke through my nose and "burn" it. I've solved this by blowing most of the smoke out of my mouth normally before closing it, leaving just a trace to go out through my nose. Just keep practicing.

Once your eyes water up and your nose burns, you know you're on the right track. :) Then cut back on the amount of smoke you "load" your mouth with. Good Luck!

Great way to describe it....same thing I do.
That is exactly what i was trying to say but for some reason was unable to describe it as well as you did.
Yesterday I saw a thread on CA about this, they seem a little uptight about the smoke thru the nose thing, they are like,
(in my best Thurston Howell voice) "Thats absolute rubbish, how could one possibly have the gall to actually blow cigar smoke out ones nose! Disgusting!" They probably smoke they're cigars with they're pinky out.
I do it all the time, it adds depth to the taste(IMO).
Cigars arent about "looking cool" or "fitting in." I dont care what they do or dont do. They can go (Explative deleted)!! Let them look down on us. Im in it for me... and you should be in it for you.
If I cared what everyone thought my favorite daily cigars wouldnt be Sancho Panzas, they would be something way more pricy.

I agree with you the smoke out the nose (a tiny bit) helps. Keep doin what makes you happy.

... damn "pinky sticker-outers"