Does yor wife/girlfriend smoke cigars?

My wife doesn't smoke, but doesn't mind my smoke...she sometimes appears to enjoy it.

I prefer smoking indoors, but will sometimes have a cigar outdoors in warm weather. I hate smoking in the extreme cold, seems to screw up my taste.

My dad will have a cigar once in a great while.

My daughter smokes cigars occasionally and several of her male friends will too when with her. A friend of my son loves cigars, but my son doesn't enjoy them.

My sister lights up a cigar whenever she visits...but her girlfriend doesn't!
Merry Christmas all. My wife does smoke cigarettes, but not cigars. He dad and uncles use to smoke those nasty tipperillos, swisher sweet, type cigars. She always thouight they smelled awful and were gross. I've been smoking for 6 months now, on the front porch with a window fan run ning, or outside. No smoking in the house or her car. I beleive that I'll get her to be an occasional cigar girl. Every once in a while she'll say "whats that cigar, it smell great" Shes thought about trying them, but hasn't taken the leap yet. She doesn't seem to mind me smoking cigars, although she tells me that I'm obsessed with them. Well Duhhhhhhhhh!!! It's a great hobby, with a lot to learn, something new every day, a rich history to research, and they taste great.
my wife doesn't smoke. Cant stand it she says. But she has never told me to stop, or made me go outside. Got to love her.