I am a daddy!

Joined Mar 2004
763 Posts | 0+
Please welcome to the world me beautiful baby boy Jesse Cameron.

Gwen was in Labor from 22:30 Saturday night. We got to the hospital 04:30 and she delivered at 12:55. Jesse weighs 7 pounds 12 ounces and is 20.5" long. His eyes are very alert and he is looking around. He will then focus on us with the blue eyes. Gwen did such an awesome job. She has way more strength then I do. Women sure are amazing
we both finaly got some sleep about 4:30, but people would stop by visiting or feeding time. We are still pretty tired (I know get used to it) If Jesse's temperment is any indicattion of how he will be, he is going to be a laid back baby. It is jus such a bazaire feeling looking at him and thinking wow that is my child. I am just in such awe and so proud of both my wife and Jesse.


Congrats!! At first when I read the middle name, I thought it said CAMEROON!!! I thought that was cool!
Congratulations!!! It is a wonderful thing. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I am (been a dad for almost a month now). You'll be surprised how fast he will grow and change. It is truely amazing.

Try this

Run your little finger across one of his palms, and he will wrap his hand around it.

Now look at his fingers, and compare them with yours.

It is simple. Babies are miracles, and that is all there is to it.
Congratulations, man! This is a great time of life for you - I hope you have a chance to sit back and enjoy it.
Re: Try this

BigMike said:
Run your little finger across one of his palms, and he will wrap his hand around it.

Now look at his fingers, and compare them with yours.

It is simple. Babies are miracles, and that is all there is to it.

Yeah I did that it really is amazing. What a grip he has too.
Can I get an OO-RAH?!


That's outstanding, Marine!

Get as much sleep as you can over the next few days because after that..........stand by!

Semper Fidelis.

"Give 'em one!........KILL!"
I have still been too busy to smoke the GOF in celibration. He has actually been sleeping a fair bit, even a 5 hour stretch a night.

Yesterday he was circumcised and fused when unwrapped, but once they gave him a nipple with suger water in it he fell asleep during the procedure.

I was able to clean the shop and do a little black smithing. Man I am rusty.

Cheers all.

phisherman, it is waiting right here. Can we say Cusano?
RedLeg0811 said:
I have still been too busy to smoke the GOF in celibration. He has actually been sleeping a fair bit, even a 5 hour stretch a night.

Yesterday he was circumcised and fused when unwrapped, but once they gave him a nipple with suger water in it he fell asleep during the procedure.

I was able to clean the shop and do a little black smithing. Man I am rusty.

Cheers all.

phisherman, it is waiting right here. Can we say Cusano?

I could hardly watch the circumcision. I think it hurt me more than it hurt my two sons. Just made me cringe!!!