I'm leaving the forum

Joined Mar 2005
1K Posts | 0+
Hilton Head, SC
but only for a week :D

Last minute, but I have to go up to ohio till next wed. ill start the box pass the day i get back (sticks are already bagged and ready in the humi). I will check in if possible, but otherwise see yall in a week.
STAY AWAY FROM THE CMP NORTH STORE! don't let those Garands get in the way of those cigars. :lol: Simp
The cigars I sent will be in the mailbox for a week!
Better find someone to bring them in.
Tell them into a tupperware instead of the humidor till you get home!
Always best in this weather to be careful - "with beetles"
Travel Safe and have a good time!
don't worry cc, i have someone who is going to store them for me until i get home so they should be fine. Trip is going well, i got so drunk last night its 10:46 pm and im still too hungover to leave the room. I havn't done that in a long time and now i remember why.
yeah, i was pretty polluted last night...
ive been strung out all day
just about to pass out
have fun man
i got back late last night to find my car towed and battery dead. Also my A/C in my apartment was leaking water all over the floor. After a ton of laundry and getting my car back and started it was pretty late before i went to bed. Now of course back at work with tons of stuff to do because we are way behind from me being gone for a week. But this weekend i will be doing absolutly nothing. I'm going to sit around, watch tv, and sleep because i feel like i deserve it.
Rough homecoming Bildo. Glad to see you back. Sounds like some rest is just the ticket.
Welcome back Bildo! Sorry to hear about the drama....but a weekend full of rest and relaxation sounds kick ass!

Take care,