I'm outta here!

Joined Aug 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Armpit of the world....Al Asad, Iraq
Well, at least for the next 10 days!

I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow.
My father in law is paying for the trip so he can see his granddaughter for the first time.

Can't say no, know what I mean?

To top it off, my mother in law is paying for 3 days, 2 nights at Turtle Bay Resort so that we can have some time alone while they take care of my daughter.

It'll be a much needed vacation before I head to the big sandbox again in Sept.

I'll pop on the forum every so often while I'm there to rub it in!

Talk to you later!
Have a great time. As for heading to the big sand box again, sorry if I missed that one. I'll also be sorry to see you go. May you and the rest all return safely.
Great sounding trip! Have fun!

Do you think you'll want to leave? :lol:
You and your family Have an awesome time DD

also forgot to thank you for that U.S. Marines seal you put on my pif box

that sucker is super nice......I cant throw the box away till I figure out how to get the seal off in tact :lol:
Have a good time DD. I'm sure you deserve the time off. Thats real cool of the Mother in Law to give you and your wife a nice little break away from the kid. It really helps recharge your engine.
Turtle Bay is a NICE hotel!

Enjoy your vacation and have fun!