Need your help....once again.

Joined Aug 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Armpit of the world....Al Asad, Iraq
We entered Morgan in a contest called "Baby You're A Star" hosted by Evenflo. To become a finalist she has to have more votes than anybody else for the month that she's entered in. So would you please do us a favor and vote for Morgan and have your friends and family on your email list vote for her as well? It says you can vote once a day during the two week voting period. So vote EVERY DAY!

Here is a description of what the winner will receive:

"A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this case - it's worth a scholarship! The winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship, a suite of Evenflo products (valued at $1,000) and become a face for Evenflo products."
Here is the link to vote for Morgan. We used the pic that you all voted on.

You can vote from July 1st to July 16th.

Thank you all for your help and support!

-Townsend Family
Between here and work, I have 5 computers. I will vote each day on each computer, so you will have quite a few from me!
axegod75 said:
The first of many votes has been submitted brother :thumbsup:

Same here !!!! Good Luck to you & the family !