Saturday Night

Joined Apr 2006
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Watching Eli smoke Robs cigars
This happened Saturday night and was written for a forum I co-own.

Last night I fell asleep in my chair with my notebook in my lap having been reading and studying for some things I had to do today. Eli woke me up with a wet nose to the face and I put my computer away and we headed for the bedroom. Normally Eli takes a right when we enter the hall and pushes the bedroom door open and goes and lays down by Kelley’s side of the bed. For some reason he took a left last night and pushed the door to the boys room open and wouldn’t come back out until I called him. He came out and then ran back in. I called him and started for the room when he did the same thing only this time he would not come back out. So I went into the room, wondering what his problem was, to drag him out. So I walk into the dark room and there was the strong smell of burning plastic and a thick smoke was starting to develop.

My two youngest boys decided to sneak their RC car battery chargers into their room last night and thought they would charge them over night. Well one of them had over charged and melted down with the battery swelling near to a point where it would have exploded. Those batteries are pure poison and our rule is that they be charged outside on our concrete slab porch. In any event we almost had a house fire last night. Eli prevented it by persistently going into a room he seldom enters at anytime let alone at night when he’s ready crash out on my bedroom floor. He may have very well saved our lives. I like to think so any way.

Well that sounds like a good dog to me. Glad to hear all is well Steve.
i always love it when i hear a story of a dog saving lives.

... they are looking out for their pack....
The boys (Anthony and Wil) got to buy him the biggest porter house steak I could find as part of their punishment. (part of their punishment)
That is great he warned you before it could of got bad. Dogs truley are man's best friend. If my dogs don't like you there no reason to go any farther as far as I am concerned.
Great story Steve, glad to hear everyone is safe.
It's amazing what dogs can sense or smell which we can not.
Lesson learned by the boys and us.