1000th Post - Contest

IT was a Bella Vanilla PC....
Looks like Boberiffic one the package!!! Congrats, I'll get the package out soon...I'll let you know when it goes out! Congrats!!!
all that brain power spent on guessing... WASTED! it was all for not!!!
Well, you were close jhiggs, just needed a size!! you had said bella vanilla..... :win
Well....I needed a size too!!! I was rooting for you...I was hoping you'd edit your post with a size... :cry:
well i thought you werent seriouse about the size! there are so many choices! i guess shes not too concerned with size either, if ya know what i mean hehehehehehehehe :twisted:
yep, well lucky for her she doesn't need to be...

She didn't like the cigar either, it was great to hear her say, "it's sweet, but there's no body or real flavor to it"...then I handed her my PSD #4, and she gladly smoked it, and said "This is still my favorite." I am in love!!!
id be happy to find a chick that doesnt say "ewww, you smoke those, they are bad for you and they stink!" when i pull out a cigar.
I lost the contest, AND the Diplomas are out of stock!...Damn, Mondays suck!! :(
Yes, I am glad she doesn't like the flavored stuff...she thought she would but then she's been getting used to what I smoke, she always has to try what I'm smoking...and she's very inquisitive, asking a hundred questions...I'm glad to see she can get into my cigars!

Well, I'm putting the package together now....!! :lol: