And Im Off

Joined Dec 2004
1K Posts | 0+
To Florida to visit some cigar factories and take some R and R. Have a great new year everyone and when I come back I should have the inside scoop on new cigars we can expect in 07 along with some pictures and other fun stuff. I love getting away on vacation, it is the only time I really get to pick everything I want to smoke. You should see my stash for the beach :D

Talk to you soon.
What a life.

Enjoy, Alex! And, Happy New Year! I can't wait to see the pictures.
It must be tough...checking out all those new releases before most people even hear of them. smoking sticks that will never be released. Traveling to other countries and walking through the crops of tobacco.......

Are you Hiring?
Sounds like a great trip, I'm interested in hearing your report, I'll be heading down to the St. Pete area at the end of Feb.

Have a safe trip!
If you need someone to carry your bags, or hold you lighter for you, I'd be more than happy to tag along.
I like bored, Travis, and lax's thinking. :D

All the best Alex, to you and your family. Enjoy yourself, and may The Lord bless you with peace and safety.

May He also bless you with the shocking discovery of 150,000 cigars miraculously discovered behind a secret panel in a famous warehouse. May the CEO of the corporation bestow them all upon you for free. And further, may The Lord bless you with the wisdom and magnanimity to keep 25,000 for yourself, send 50,000 to the hard working troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and to all our troops throughout the world, and the last 75,000 to be given away on for free to any and all who click on, first come, first served.

:sm_angel: :bolt: