Bobberrific said:
So thatttttttttt's where he gets his artistic talent from, the funny filler!

Artistic talent? Dude, you should have seen the Birthday Card that I created for him. It's a Kelvin original!
now remember hes not "leaving" but just taking a short break from the forum. I'm sure we will get him back.
Negativity???......I think everyone showed alot of restraint and understanding. He stole from you. He should be the only one who has any kind of guilt. Even if you get the box at this point, it was still an unexcusable delay. Maybe everyones comments made him send it(if he sent it), because you know he is still reading the posts.
Devil Dog and all...don't any of you out rank him. Can't you order him to stay?? The best I can do is my bro-in-law, hes a Staff Sargent. don't think he out ranks the Capt.

maybe we just need a group hug??.
Really..don't go for too long, I really enjoy reading you.
I hope you're right. However you didn't cause any negativity. We're all adults here. If negativity was present it wasn't you it was he who shall not be named. One reaps what they sow and anything said was deserved.

That said I'm sure you have your reasons, but if they are pertaining to this matter they're not valid.