
Joined Mar 2005
1K Posts | 0+
Hilton Head, SC
let me know when you are getting home and how everything is going.
Thanks for the concern bro.
I just got in this evening after a very stressful week. My uncle is somehow defying the doctors and holding on. Most days I was there he was heavily sedated, but I was lucky on Thursday when he was awake and responsive so I was able to say what I had to say to him. I'm not sure if he could see me or just follow the sound, but when I held his hand and asked him to squeeze, he did. He also gave me a thumbs up when I said I'll be waiting for him to make this year's I know he heard me say what he has meant to me. Anyway, it's in God's hands now...
...And I'm glad to be home.
Thanks, me too. I just wish the doctors could figure out what the initial cause was. The EPA sent someone to his house to test some mold from behind the wine cellar which we thought might have been the cause. But they said it was normal household mold and cashed my aunt's 1K check.
Hey Axe, good news if you can find it there my friend. Doctors don't always get it right, and when it comes to human spirit, they don't even come close! Package on it's way to you tomorrow, call it a friends pick me up.

Take care bro!
Axe, I know how stressful your week must have been. Glad that you are home Sir. I know from personal experience how hard health problems are on all concerned. I know that you are used to solving problems for those you care about, and, we face these issues and can't do much abut them. Regards