![/quote]Why would one replace "French" with "Freedom"?quote]
The french were a big help in the war with England back in 1776, but since then we have had to pull the bacon out of the fire ( WWI & WWII) , one french general was saying at a nato meeting , why must we speak English at all nato meetings, ? an American Admarial told him point blank, we fixed it so you wouldnt need to learn to speak Greman , , , when President George W Bush was putting together a coliation to go Back to Iraq to finish what his father had started, france was a thorn in his side & didnt want to help out, so there was a back lash in this country replacing the word french with Freedom ....... it is way to early in the day to get into a political discussion, but after many, yes a whole lot of manys, years in the kitchen I have found the french to be some what rude & pompus , I know that is not a good representation of all the wonderfull people in France, just the ones I have had to deal with, as a suborinate & as a leader, I have a RED, White & Blue collar on my Chefs Jacket , not a blue white & red one ( the French Chefs collar ) , so you went to the "Cordon Blu"~~~ B.F.D. I went to the school of hard nocks & I am willing to match up my cooking tallents against any one, including all the Iron Chefs, & Emeril, I might not win , but I will give them a fight they will remember , so there is a weeee bit of rational thinking about replacing the term "french" with the word Freedom
Please dont take this as a put down of everything French, it is not, just a small % of the people who think they are better than the next human being, , & God knows I am not one of them , I am a humble & Freedom loving American with a mixed ansesrty so diverce that I could only be an American , , I have family in all parts of Europe & North Americia from the Med. to the Baltic to the Irish sea, I asked my grandmother what Nationality we were, she told me we were American, , the great melting pot of the American way of life, Italian , German, Scotch/Irish, Russian,French,Spanish, Serb/Croaition,& some Scandinavian blood all mixed in with a little American Indian, , I did ask my Grandmother what tribe , & she said no tribe , just a wondering Indian. so what else could I be but an American? , I hope I didnt offend any one , it is not my practice to offend, just to enlighten some & confuse others , my self included, No I havent been in the whisky today , well not yet anyway ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince