Birthday Club

Joined Aug 2004
2K Posts | 0+
Chicago Born/Raised. Hollywood CA Resident
Okay, since I am the Keeper of the addresses I need to add all your B-days to the list as well!

Also, I can send out the list anytime, then just keep updating as it grows....

So Send them Over!!

I have a year to wait for mine :cry: It was May 1st.....I think I have some patience laying around somewhere :lol:
November 26th!

There's nothing that says we can't do May and March retro for this year!!
Good so the way, if you want the list let me know!
I just need your address Bulz...

You can definately play :lol:
june 4th!
finally gonna be legal!

by the way, im back everyone...went back home for a spell, didnt get much time to sit down. good to be back.
thanks man
also, something you might enjoy...
since the 21st bday is fast approaching, im trying to decide what the first legal drink is gonna be...
im thinkin three fingers of 'callan 18
lookin foreward to it
Shakes, Good to have you back!! You can never go wrong with the Macallen, and at 18, that some smooth drinking pleasure!

Enjoy, I'll put the bithday package together!!
