Box Split

I don't know - My Iguanas always grow fast!
I think the real problem with raising them in people use an
aquarium instead of an cage that breaths.
They like it warm, so a closed glass tank will get very humid.
That leads to problems, also feeding them the right stuff,
Seeds in fruits & vegies can kill them.
As far smoking them goes - never tried!
Can you feed an Iguanna corn?? I always enjoy venison that has fed in a corn field most of there lives. Really gives the meat a clean, rich, sweet taste.

It seems that most pet stores do a disservice to the animals they sell. I hate seeing those puppies from puppy farms in those cages.
You always see the iguannas, etc in aquariums, I would never have know that they shouldn't be in one.
An Iguana is not a casuall house pet that is for sure. I mean they aren't even cute or anything, I fail to understand why some people buy them at all without knowing how to care for them properly.

It is just plain wrong thats all!