Cigar Trade Christmas (Holiday) Mystery Gift Exchange

Here is the list so far:

Double D

I will keep bumping this up to get as many involved as possible - it would be cool to get a ton of folks exchanging.

Should I do the match-ups on December 1st and then let the packages fly? This way we all can enjoy our gifts for the holidays.
Kelvin said:
Should I do the match-ups on December 1st and then let the packages fly? This way we all can enjoy our gifts for the holidays.

sounds good. time to send out and get em before the shipping season is in full swing too.
I'm going to do homemade cigars - grape white owls infused with Pepe Lopez tequila - sure to be a crowd pleaser!
cybrus said:
I'm going to do homemade cigars - grape white owls infused with Pepe Lopez tequila - sure to be a crowd pleaser!

Okay, I might not be so random with your mystery receiver! :roll:
I think we should have a price range. One cigar related gift with some sticks thrown in. Say, $25-$30 value?
I have had several requests to set a range - so I think it's something we should make a decision on so that we are all on the same page.

Was that the range last year, Brenda? I can't dismember. :oops:
Lets set it a bit higher, I got some wonderful Esplendidos, that I got in Mexico that come with a beautiful glass top cabinet :evil:

I don't favor setting a range but I am with the group.
Barcochris said:
Lets set it a bit higher, I got some wonderful Esplendidos, that I got in Mexico that come with a beautiful glass top cabinet :evil:

Wow - all of these great gifts - fruitcakes, Grape White Owls and Dutch Masters, and now the great Esplendidos in the glass top cabinet. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
i would love to take part in this but if the price range is too high i dont know if i can because im POOR.

$25 - $30 seems like a good number. if it gets much higher than that (40+) ill be spending more money on some of you than on some of my family members for the holiday season.

i like you guys and all, but blood is thicker than water.
25-30 is fine. After all it is the though that counts. I like giving more than I like receiving.
Barcochris said:
25-30 is fine. After all it is the though that counts. I like giving more than I like receiving.

Good - because you will probably draw me on December 1st. :roll: :lol:

I am for whatever gets the most people involved with this. $25 to $30 is fine with me.
I think that range is pretty good. I was able to get some monte 2 (habana) boxes for 30 bucks from a nice guy on the street when I was in the Bahamas. He said they were real.
Excellent - I expect you to share them on November 7th at Churchills! I am sure they are authentic.