good question. People use connecticut interchangably. As a rule of thumb when people say theings like connecticut or sumatra they are referring only to the type of seed and not always where it is grown.
A sumatra grown in ecuador is an ecuadorian sumatra.
A lot people grow connecticut seeds all over the world but a true connecticut is a golden brown wrapper that is pretty neutral in taste allowing the filler and binder to bring out most of thhe aroma in the cigar. Tobacco actually grown in Connecticut is very fertile and does not require the assistance of a shaded cheese cloth nor does it face nearly the same problems other tobacco growing countries do. The wrappers are typically also very silky and durable which makes them easy to use in the rolling process.
A sumatra grown in ecuador is an ecuadorian sumatra.
A lot people grow connecticut seeds all over the world but a true connecticut is a golden brown wrapper that is pretty neutral in taste allowing the filler and binder to bring out most of thhe aroma in the cigar. Tobacco actually grown in Connecticut is very fertile and does not require the assistance of a shaded cheese cloth nor does it face nearly the same problems other tobacco growing countries do. The wrappers are typically also very silky and durable which makes them easy to use in the rolling process.