Developing Your Palate


I have tried to attempt your technique, but so far, I don't seem to be getting the smoke out through my nose.

I have not had the "Once your eyes water up and your nose burns, you know you're on the right track" sensation. :)

Do you actually inhale a little smoke & then exhale through the nose, or is my anatomy all screwed up?

I'll keep on trying, like you said "It takes a little practice", but so far my practice sessions have not worked.

Do not physically inhale the smoke in your lungs. Leave that to us leather-lunged firefighters..... :lol:

Seriously though, you do not want smoke in your throat.
Scott, just keep trying brother, it doesn't always work either, but if you keep at it you will get it. Needless to say, you don't want to do it with every puff - it really burns the first number of times you do it.

Like these guys said, don't inhale. If you're not getting any out of your nose, maybe your tongue is in the way? You want a cavernous volume inside your mouth, like I mentioned, as if you were holding a big mouthful of water to spit at somebody. If you then bring your mouth to normal closed position while exhaling (with your lips closed the whole time), that smoke in there has to get out somewhere and the easiest path should be through your nose.

Good luck, keep trying!
Remember the last time you went to the dentist and he put that little tube in your mouth that sucks out all the saliva?
Remember when you closed your mouth and you could feel it sucking air in from your nose?
That’s kind of how your mouth and nose should feel just the vacuum is in reverse and your lungs are the vacuum.