Didn't know this forum existed!

gotcha! I have seen lots of similar ones, just not the Krups one. Is the Krups brand carafe a lot better than other brands? $45 seems steep. Yes.... I AM a cheapskate! :p

And thanks for the link, cybrus
Don't know if you've tried Green Mountain, but that price sounds about right.

Remember, taken proper care of, this carafe will last you a lifetime, give you the ability to keep your own coffee on you at all times, and piping hot, and because of that, keep you from having to buy coffee when you're outside.

Since you'll be roasting the coffee yourself, and that also makes the coffee you drink cheaper, even a large investment on a carafe now, will keep you drinking cheaper coffee for a lifetime. It adds to the chain you create by roasting, hand grinding, and brewing your own, because you get to either enjoy it at home long after you've made it, and don't have the time to make more, or carry it around and enjoy hot, fresh, home roasted, hand ground (no electricity) coffee whenever and wherever you want.
Bloofington said:
hand ground (no electricity) coffee whenever and wherever you want.

By this, are you suggesting against an electric burr grinder?

Also, the carafe in that link looks basically like a stainless coffee pot for a drip machine, is this what you recomaend? I guess in my mind, I was picturing something more like a diner would bring coffee to the table in... sort of a pitcher like thing, or a thermos. LOL, sorry for my lack in discriptiveness.... Me a lil' dense today! :duh:
Okay, I am just reading through these threads and I have questions!!!!

What kind of investment is needed for a Roaster?

I am a coffee addict (CC's coffee the other day was unbelievable). I can't bring my cigars into the house - but this is definitely something I can do at home without getting yelled at.

I already have a grinder and a pretty good carafe so I think I am part of the way there.


Kelvin, I have been looking into this also. Like most things there is a wide price range of options availible. You can get a popcorn popper to roast in(I think Brenda said she got her's second hand for just a fw bucks) or you can get a commercial roaster from about $80 up to $600 or more. I have heard several people recomend the iroast that goes for around $180. Check out sweetmarias.com for some good info and price guide for equipment.

Thanks for the info - it's the least you can do for me since you won the sticks I should have gotten! LOL!

I appreciate it, man!
Kelvin said:

Thanks for the info - it's the least you can do for me since you won the sticks I should have gotten! LOL!

I appreciate it, man!


:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Spider, just saw your quote here:

"Also, the carafe in that link looks basically like a stainless coffee pot for a drip machine, is this what you recomaend? I guess in my mind, I was picturing something more like a diner would bring coffee to the table in... sort of a pitcher like thing, or a thermos."

Go back and check this post by me a few up from yours:

"It's like a thermos style thingy, silver body, black top, keeps coffee hot for hours."

Hope that clears things up. And no, I'm not recommending against electric grinders, I just personally eschew them. I'd rather grind it the natural way, takes only a minute or so, and the bonus of portability and not using electricity is a good feature for me.