Alright, here goes...
I teach at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I teach sailors Reactor Principles, which is basically explaining why the reactor does what it does, how it behaves, etc. It's more exciting than it sounds...ok, no it's not. I just got done teaching my first class. Now I'm on teaching break, and another class doesn't come until the 16th, leaving me lots of time for cigars.
For my contest, the winner will be the first to guess my class GPA for the course. Basically, the grade could be somewhere between a 0.00 and a 4.00. Letter grades aren't given, but anything less than a 2.50 is a course failure (it equates to getting about 60% correct, or 2.50/4.00 which equals 0.625) I'll let this run for about five days if need be. Please guess the grade in an X.XX format. I'll let you have four guesses a day. If no one guesses correctly by Tuesday evening, I'll take the closest without going over. Guess early and often....a larger response will determine what I send out. :twisted:
Here's your first clue...I said anything below a 2.50 is a failure. No one in my class failed the course. In fact, only three students failed one of the tests.
Good luck!