Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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Lets make it two guesses per day. With eight remaining answers that should speed things up a little.
cmontgomery said:
HP Lovecraft
The Shadow out of Time

We have a winner. PM me your details and I will get your stuff out hopefully in the morning. Congrats Craig.

By the way, thats an awesome story. One of only a few short stories that has actually given me the chills while reading it.

This shouldn't be to difficult because there are only so many answers. I have 3 children, one of which just had a Bday. What are the cmbined ages of my kids?

First Clue, One is an infent so we will call him 1.
rmrdaddy said:
Okay, I'm in. My guess: 12


second clue my daughter (also middle child) who just had a birthday just turned 5. I will give another clue tomorrow if nobody guesses
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