Hint #2:
******** *****, a small residence in the Virginia countryside occupying the corner of Succoth and Ash Tree lanes. The House has two stories, containing a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a small study, two bedrooms and a bathroom. There is a large backyard and a driveway leading up to the house. However, the internal geography of the House fluctuates wildly, and compasses are useless within its walls. One feature that reappears at random is a small hallway between the two bedrooms. It was this addition that first brought the unusual nature of the House to the attention of its current owner, **** ********. Upon measuring the House's width it was seen that the inside was bigger than the outside by a small margin.
The major feature of the House is the doorway which randomly appears in the east wall of the living room. The entrance leads to the Hallway known as the Endless Corridor, a passage that wildly varies in overall length. On its inital discovery it appeared to be a mere ten feet, though on the final expedition the hallway stretched on infinitely. Exploration into the corridors branching off from the main Hallway may eventually lead one to a large cavern dubbed The Great Hall. In the center of the Great Hall is the Spiral Staircase, whose diameter and length also vary greatly from expedition to expedition, at one point stretching on for a distance bypassing the circumfrence of the Earth.
Beyond these major features the internal geography has differed for each visitor. A traveller can be lost for mere moments, or days. It is believed that survival beyond that point would be impossible, as endurance is limited by how many supplies a person can carry with them.
Visitors to the House often report hearing a distant growl eminating from the Hallway, believed to be the sound of the House changing shape.
The infinite rooms that wait past the door have no windows nor decorations of any kind, and the walls are a dull ashen black. In the deepest levels of the house, analysis of their composition shows material dating back to a time before there was a solar system.
More to come. :twisted: