Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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This one should be solved fairly quick.

What other letter fits in the following series:
B C D E I K O X?
Like I said... It was going to be solved pretty darn fast.. Congrats Motion, I will add your sticks to your PIF package, which is going out first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for playing; looks like it is your turn now.

Congrats Rich Texan and Motion123! Way to be on top of it.

Great job on the thread Soupwell - looks like a winner! :thumbsup:
***Warning, the following messege might just lower your IQ a few points***

Here's one that stumped me with its sheer stupidity but stuck with me anyway.

A man walks out of the rain into a bar in an old west boomtown. The man sits down on an open stool and gets the bartenders attention. Bartender asks the man what he wants. The man asks for a glass of water. After looking at the man for a few seconds the bartender pulls his gun on the guy.

He has hiccups and the barman pulling out the gun shocked him and stopped the hiccups.
I guess I wasn't the only one that heard it!!!
Good Job. PM me your info and I'll shoot you some sticks. It's on u now.
Heard it at rotary last year (yes, rotary - bad food, boring meetings - at least we don't wear funny hats). PM on the way, man!

Give me 5 minutes and I will post my riddle....I have one I kind of liked. Can't do math equations - way out of my league here!
Here is my riddle - kind of liked this one.....

Once upon a time in the West Lake village, a servant lived with his master. After service of about 30 years, his master became ill and was going to die. One day, the master called his servant and asked him for a wish. It could be any wish but just one. The master gave him one day to think about it.

The servant became very happy and went to his mother for discussion about the wish. His mother was blind and she asked her son for making a wish for her eye-sight to come back. Then the servant went to his wife. She became very excited and asked for a son as they were childless for many years. After that, the servant went to his father who wanted to be rich and so he asked his son to wish for a lot of money.

The next day he went to his master and made one wish through which all the three (mother, father, wife) got what they wanted. You have to tell what the servant asked the master.

He did NOT ask for extra wishes, BTW.
His wish was for his mom to see her grandson depositing a large sum of money into his grandfathers bank account.
FreedomGuns - wasn't the exact thing but it was the same line of reasoning - GREAT JOB!!!!!!!! Instead of money it was gold.

PM me your info and preferences and I'll take care of you.

Congrats and you are now on the clock! :thumbsup:

Again, great thread Brent.
Wow...that was my second win today...I will cool it for a bit. Thanks Kelvin, a pm is on the way.

Standby folks...(hopefully y'all won't get this one immediately)
What is pictured in this fragment of a photo?
a birds face and a woman carrying something. Perhaps this is a "Mary in the Grilled Cheese" type pic?
Wow guys- you've been going nuts. At this rate, we may need to back up the waiting requirement! If we get to the point where no one's eligible, just let me know!

Good riddles! I figured out the glass of water, but not the hiccups, the letters or the wish.

Kelvin- got your package today! You are hereby promoted to minor deity!

Kelvin hooked me up b/c I was having trouble finding Cusano 18's to sample in my area. Then he just threw in a couple of extra (awesome) sticks simply b/c he's the man! Thanks!!!
Enjoy them, man. This has been a lot of fun - I am very curious about this picture - but I can't guess yet.
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