Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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Third clue: He's the current Pride FC middleweight champion

(even if you know nothing about MMA, Googling fixes all)
Converse PM sent

Well I am up and will try to come up with a good question

Stay tuned...........
Question time.........

In my profession I deal with alot of people, I hear stories almost everyday of someone in my area getting bit by a certain type of pest. This pest does not exist in this region. The furthest north that it has been found to survive in Califonia is in the Mohave Dessert. What kind of pest is it and what is the common name of it?

example...... cockroach.....german cockroach
I don't know much about entomology, but I did work in an entomology lab.

How about: Spider - Western Black Widow
on the right track.... spider is correct.... but what kind of spider?

the black widow is very prominate in all areas of california.
I fell like I'm taking spiders 101 here....

How about the Loxosceles palma known as the Baja recluse spider

Just so you know I HATE spiders!!!
Doc-T said:
Brown Recluse Spider

Winner.... The Brown Recluse can not survive due to our climate being too cold for them to over winter and reproduce. People get bit by a spider and almost always say that it was a brown recluse. If they only knew what kind of damage they would endure if it were. You would go through monthes of severe pain tissue loss form the toxins eating away at your tissue then when all that finally heals most likely skin graphs to repair the damage. Just a little education.
A good friend of mine was bit by the recluse over the summer and he was sick as a dog for a good several days.

Being in the area I was in over the summer, I can't imagine how many baby spiders I've eaten while sleeping. :shock:

Hopefully not too many :(
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