Cigar Trade God of Fire Split

Joined Aug 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Gahanna, OH
In the next few weeks I am planning on purchasing a box of 10 God of Fire Don Carlos Robustos. I am looking for nine other people who would be interested in a single. If I don't get nine, but there are some who are interested in two, then we can go with that. If you are interested, please send me a PM. These cigars are expensive, but are certainly a good smoke and a nice collectors' item.
Okay, five are gone, so I just need five more people.
Where's Gordon at? I know he wants one.

:D :D :D
I've got to be a little more diligent in checking the board. I can't believe I just noticed this today. Chris, smack me up side the head or shoot me a pm next time. :lol: :lol:
Gary, I thought about you, but I knew that you've been busy. If anybody else backs out, I'll let you know too.
I'd do two boxes, PM anybody who wants more. I've got one box on the way but shipping is pretty negligible.
Ok, if you end up getting a second box, put me down for a couple.