Cigar Trade Group buy

chris, is it too late if i amend my order to just one set of 150 of the 5 fingered bags?
[:humor on:] God am I glad I hadn't eaten lunch yet before opening this thread! Those cigar labels are enough to make one upchuck! ;) I did not know the islands had that many ugly people on them :shock: :shock: [/:humor off:]

I think next, Chris is going to try and find those little "finger rubbers" the doctors use to better protect his smaller cigars! (for those of you who are under 40, you won't fully appreciate that joke until you have your first physical post 40!)
mikegunner said:
The baggies or the "finger rubbers"????


I had the unfortuate experince of find that out at age 18. I never went back to that Doctor. Check up my @$$. (no pun intended).
After having our second child, we were told that due to problems, if my wife were to get pregnant again, it would almost certainly lead to death for her and the fetus!

So, since she had endured 2 surgeries in 16 months, I went under the knife ....... and developed a bad case of prostratitus! And wouldn't you know that my Urologist is 6'4"-270# with BIG HANDS!!! :shock: :shock: It took over a year and a half of doctors visits and lord knows how many "examinations", but I can certainly go the rest of my life and not have another and it would be to soon!