Help help help!!!!!!!!!

I've been out of town for a week, I am kinda worried about my desktop humi 50ct. All this beetle talk freaks me out, since it hasn't been opened in 8 days, and who knows how hot it is getting in that room. I bet my RH is pretty low. Should I be worried???
Banihex said:
I've been out of town for a week, I am kinda worried about my desktop humi 50ct. All this beetle talk freaks me out, since it hasn't been opened in 8 days, and who knows how hot it is getting in that room. I bet my RH is pretty low. Should I be worried???

I do believe a low rh can help - but high temp is BAD!
I don't know if this helps you guys, but I keep mine in the basement. It is cooler than the upstairs - unfinished walls. I think it is either that or buy one of those wine coolers.
I could'a gone the rest of my life without seeing that picture.......E-GADS I'm never gonna sleep again. :shock:
Thats it I am going to start to smoke and not stop till my sticks are gone. I am not letting those Damn bugs near my stash.
Canadian eh,
were your infected cigars in the celophane or were they naked? Does leaving yoiur cigars "wrapped" help guard against the beetles? Will the bug chew through the cello?
One experience I had was when I moved from Lincoln to Kearney, Nebraska I found a liquor store that had a rather huge selection of cigars. They were a little high, but I didn’t care at that time. I bought many cigars from him until one day I looked at the Punch Grand Cru cigars and the labels were faded and several had holes in them. I asked him if these were old cigars and he said that Punch cigars had a light almost pink label and that the holes were made from the cigar making process. I told him that I have been smoking cigars for five years (at that time) and I knew better than that. Needless to say, I have not darkened his doorstep since. This is one big reason I only buy cigars from places I trust and am reluctant to buy anywhere else. I think this may be a good way to avoid beetles.