There was a guy who smoked the Puros Indios Chief which is a 18 x 66 cigar. It took him over 4 hours to smoke it in one sitting while playing power with his buddies. He smoke the last inch or so by skewering a toothpick through it in order to keep holding it.
He showed a picture of his tongue after the event. It was as yellow as corn.
50 x 5 = 45mins
52 x 6 = 75mins
56 x 5 = 90mins
48 x 6.5 = 45mins
That's about the only sizes I smoke. I'm nuts for that fat n short cigar. I take my sweet time because that sweet time is the only time I really have to escape. The only time I can call "Mine" 8)
I can relate. I like the shorter/fatter cigars too. But all in all it's about an hour to an hour and a half to finish the cigar. It does depend on the company. Good company I try to stretch it out as long at possible.