Humidor help

Joined May 2016
14 Posts | 0+
Okay so I have a fairly new 40-cigar humidor, received it roughly a week to two weeks ago. I've been having issues keeping my cigars stored in there and staying humid, or rather, getting humid at all. I seasoned it with water in a shot glass as well as using the humidifier until it was around 70% RH before I put cigars in there. After waiting a few days, the humidity refused to raise past 60% with roughy 40 cigars. Then I seasoned it with distilled water on a rag, rubbing it lightly around all inside the humidor. I then let it sit for a few hours. I did this until the humidor was almost 80% RH while empty. After placing the 40 cigars back in along with the humidor and two humi-stat tubes, the RH dropped quickly to 60% again and over the last few days it's even been dropping further. I did calibrate my hygrometer with the salt method, as well. What could be wrong? Why won't they hold humidity? Do I have to wait a few weeks for them to hold any moisture?

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I also need help with same/similar problem

I'm sorry I don't know the answer to this question, but I have a similar issue so I am replying to you in the hopes that this thread gets bumped up and someone answers.

I bought a 40-cigar humidor from a local smoke shop, and even empty the humidor wouldn't stay above 60% for very long (I could get it to 70% with distilled water on a sponge, but it wouldn't stay there after cigars were placed in). I also calibrated hygrometer with salt method and it read a perfect 75%.

So, I thought something might be wrong with the humidor, so I went to a well-known "international cigars" website ( know which one I mean), and ordered another 40-cigar humidor thinking that the first one may be malfunctioning. This time, rather than wipe down the humidor, I tried seasoning it slowly with a shot glass of propylene glycol and a Xicar humidity jar AND the sponge humidifier that came with the humidor. This one, even empty, will not go above 60% (as I said, I have not tried wiping this one down yet).

I refuse to believe that I have two faulty humidors (though I can imagine it being possible, I suppose).

My question is this, is there anything environmental that could be causing this, like something in my home (though, I imagine that is exactly what a humidor is designed to protect against, I still have to ask the question)?

Otherwise, can someone please respond to the original poster and to me about these issues. It seems they are the same issue or very similar in nature.

Thanks in advance! Happy Holidays to all!
Does yours have a glass top? Mine did. I used a hot glue gun around the inside edges of the glass and it helped. I'd also say cheap humidors are 100% NOT the way to go. I got hold of a 150 count humidor and it's worked perfectly for me after slowly seasoning it for a month with a wet sponge. It holds its humidity for at least two months at a time now, it's crazy. Basically invest in a more expensive humidor, I guess...

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Okay so I have a fairly new 40-cigar humidor, received it roughly a week to two weeks ago. I've been having issues keeping my cigars stored in there and staying humid, or rather, getting humid at all. I seasoned it with water in a shot glass as well as using the humidifier until it was around 70% RH before I put cigars in there. After waiting a few days, the humidity refused to raise past 60% with roughy 40 cigars. Then I seasoned it with distilled water on a rag, rubbing it lightly around all inside the humidor. I then let it sit for a few hours. I did this until the humidor was almost 80% RH while empty. After placing the 40 cigars back in along with the humidor and two humi-stat tubes, the RH dropped quickly to 60% again and over the last few days it's even been dropping further. I did calibrate my hygrometer with the salt method, as well. What could be wrong? Why won't they hold humidity? Do I have to wait a few weeks for them to hold any moisture?

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The longer you wait to season the better. Place a larger dish of DW and charge your humidifier. Place in the humi and close it up for a week. After 7 days open it and check the humidity. If your in the high 70's or low 80's your doing good. Recharge your humidifier if it needs it refill the dish of DW also and close it up again. Wait another 7 days if your humidity is high Great remove the dish of DW and just leave the humidifier. Give it a couple more days and check RH again. When ya get to 70% or a bit below add your gars. Watch a couple more days you should be good. If after this your still losing RH you probably have a major leak. At that point its up to you on the next move,perhaps the humis no good.

In the meantime stick your gars in a tupperware with a couple bovedas they'll be fine while ya wait. Personally i keep all my gars in plastic boxes, it's idiot proof and cheap. Hope it all works out.

Thats the best i got brother [emoji6] good luck...

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Germanus Humidor

Hello All!

I received a 25 cigars box from a friend and decided at last to invest in a humidor, and choose the Germanus (50 aces) which seemed reliable. Although something seems to be lost in translation from German, I followed the instructions as follows:

-seasoning the humidor with a sponge and distilled water: humidity went to 70-75%

-put distilled sterilised water in the humidifier, but after two-three days humidity fell to 50% and remained so;

-calibrated the humidifier (salt method) and 75% was reached;

-I re-charged the humidifier with distilled sterilised water again yesterday evening and this morning it reads 55%.

Not yet the right moment to put the cigars in but I hope humidity will not drop but rise to 70%...

Any experience with this brand/ model?
Seasoning a humidor can take weeks the longer ya season the better! Remove the humidifier and place the bowl of DW with sponge back inside with your calibrated hygro..and the salt method is iffy at best your better off calibrating with a boveda pack! Once your calibrated close everything up for 2 weeks. Then check your numbers you should be able to get up into the high 70’s low 80’s! If your holding solid at this point remove bowl and sponge and replace with humidifier of your choosing. Close the humi back up and check after a few days. Place your cigars inside only when your numbers are close to your objective! If the humi won’t hold high seventies to 80’s while seasoning you might have a leak whoch would basically make the humi a nice accessory box to store your lighters and cutters in but, not cigars!

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