Humidor Temperature

Joined Apr 2005
35 Posts | 0+
Prescott, Arizona
I saw an answer to thread a while back warning against a maintained humidor temperature in the high 70s for the dreaded beetle. Here in Arizona both temperature and humidity are tough to maintain. My humidor is usually around 62-63%, which is the best I can seem to do. However, the temperature varies from about 76 to 81 F. I have seen many good ideas and products for maintaining the humidity, but is there any clever way to get the temperature down? Although I live at about 5,600 feet in elevation (not in the desert) its still about 92F outside and my air conditioning is not very good. Thanks for any ideas you may be able to share with me!
You could try putting your cigars in a coolador (sp?!)? From what I've heard tho you have to watch out for the RH...
since i doubt you have a basement maybe try a closet or somewhere that is usually cooler in temp than the rest of your house.
If you do put them in a closet and there is a light mounted to the ceiling, try replacing it with a smaller ceiling fan / light unit. I picked one up for 15 bucks at wal-mart to circulate the air in my closet, and it has lowered the temp by about 5-10 degrees.
I'm in New Mexico at an elevation of 6800ft, I don't get the hot weather like Albuquerque, but I do see some 90 degree days. The humidity you mention is fine, in fact ideal for a lot of smokers. I have no air conditioning in my house, to keep my temperatures down I use the little blue cooler containers, that you freeze then put in your cooler to keep things cold ( I don't know what you call them). I keep my cigars in a coolerdor, so adding one of the frozen blue containers once every morning does fine. I ussually only have to do that for about a month or so during our hottest months. I keep the cigars I'm going to smoke for the week in a desktop, and really don't worry about the temperature. I'm ussually in there everyday so if there was a beetle problem I could deal with it on the spot so to speak. Some people consider that too labor intensive, but you do what you have to do to keep your cigars in good shape.