Malone is awake

Joined Jan 2005
302 Posts | 0+
South Central PA
I'm experiencing some allergy type symptons from the shoulder surgery. High doses of medication- no narcotics- has resulted in the need for only about two hours of sleep a night. Therefore, I'm up, full of energy and ready to go.
Watch these replies- simple and facts.
:cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh:

I'm making coffee myself, water should be boiling for the second Freedom Press of the day soon, and after that, well . . .

:sm_angel: :sm_angel: :bolt:
Awake here too Malone and Bloof, greetings. I rarely sleep more than 4hrs. Ussually 3 does me just fine. Hope your healing well Malone.
I'm up early almost everyday.
Today I slept till 7 - that is sleeping in for me!

Funny you say
allergy type symptons

2 days ago Misa was biten by a Bee.
Well yesterday she gets home from work and her leg is all red and swollen :shock:
Kind of border line hospital visit.
The hard thing was I had just taken my night meds & they knock me down pretty good - so I was all WTF?
Well I called a friend that is a doctor he advised getting some Benedril and waiting to morning.
We went to Walmart (haven't been to one in a long time)
Thankfully it's 24 hours and they had what we needed.
I will wake her up shortly and if it is not any better it's off to see the doctor!

Malone I am glad to hear your feeling better!
Malone!! Get better buddy, we need to finally sync schedules and smoke 1000 sticks to make up for all these days we keep trying to get together! Your cohiba's will be aged by the time I get them too you!! Good thing I have room in the coolidor! I may have to start chargin interest though :lol: say a stick a month! :wink:

But seriously my friend, I know the meds are kicking your ass, so, hang in there to every rain storm there comes an end and hopefully it's soon for you!
CC! I'm hoping for the best for Misa my friend! Still amazes me how bee's can really affect people differently and in some cases how terrible it can be! My thoughts are with you and her today, please keep us posted!

Malone, at least the medication isn't making you sleep all the time. Feel better man.

Bees are a PITA. When I was younger and would get stung, I would break out in a rash and even had my throat close up one time. Nowadays I don't seem to have any side effects to a sting...except for the damn pain!

I hope Misa feels better CC.
one time while camping i got stung by a bee through my jeans, the stinger didnt stay i guess cause the bee couldnt get it in deep enough through my jeans but my leg swoll up from the small ammount it did get in. funny story too, the bee was swarming all around me and my mom told me just stay still and it will see that im not a flower and fly off, it landed on my leg and stung me, i didnt do nothing! she felt so bad lol.