you are inferring that those two mooks are keeping good company, trust me...THEY AIN"T!!!!!!!

It's not nice to photshop pictures like the one you posted. For those who want to know - here is the original of that picture. This monkey is found in the forest of Pennsylvania. Very partial to Grape White Owls.


  • bobberrific.jpg
    34.6 KB · Views: 123
Don't forget about these two.


  • steve (2).jpg
    steve (2).jpg
    45.3 KB · Views: 169

I'm fixing to bite two bald, funny looking characters around here.....

(oh the agony of p-shop.....)
I just spit coke through my nose!!!! Thats the funniest thing ever!!!

It got moved because a thread like this has no business being in General Discussion. While you all know each other and goof on each other, outsiders who read the thread don't always know that and may think it is ok to act that way in other threads. By being here in Comic Relief, it should be taken in the light hearted nature it is meant to be in.

Call me the "no fun police" if you want, but look at the big picture and how things can be taken.
Sorry, I should of started it in Comic relief in the first place, Thanks for moving it Mike.
Barcochris said:
Sorry, I should of started it in Comic relief in the first place, Thanks for moving it Mike.

The original of this thread was in Comic Relief before being moved to a staff area after it had digressed to far.
Thanks for understanding guys!

One of the hardest things for alot of people to understand is that even though most of you all are adults, Amback/ forum registration cuts off with a bottom age of 13 years of age.

While Roland can attest that both my 4 year old and 3 year old swear and curse, there are members who get more than a little hot under the collar when they see things posted publically that they do not want their children to read/say/repeat. Anyone who knows me will tell you that profanity is known to spew out at random in my conversation. BUT..... when I am online, I remain aware of not only the word filters, but who may be reading what I write..... so I refrain!
mikegunner said:
Anyone who knows me will tell you that profanity is known to spew out at random in my conversation. BUT..... when I am online, I remain aware of not only the word filters, but who may be reading what I write..... so I refrain!

i F#%&in cuss like a *@!&# sailor in real life as well. I do like the more "refined " (for lack of better words) atmosphere that AmBack provides. I can get my ideas out and take ideas in without distractions.

i understand the move as well....

:roll: damn fun police... :lol:
Light "R" rating

Would someone please provide a picture to go with this "personals ad?" :lol:

I am an opinionated Czech imigrant with foul breath and terrible body odor. I have HUGE feet, and sweat profusely in large crowds of people, but I am a humanitarian. I tend to get belligerant after consuming dairy products, and an intestinal disorder causes me to produce obscene amounts of gas after each meal. I do, however, look great in horsehair lingerie. I have several children, although my vision is blurred, so I am unsure of how many. So, if you are looking for a woman who can armwrestle you under the table- I'm your girl...
I am seeking a slovenly man with terrible bathroom habits and identical body odor. Hairy palms and a love for goat cheese are a plus. No matter if you are married or single, just promise to rub my corny feet after a long day at the Emu ranch. Oh, and please, send me a picture of your genitalia - only- because I wouldn't want to know anything else about you.

I belive this is the picture you are looking for
This is the BEST thread EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!