New Member

Joined Jun 2005
2 Posts | 0+
I am a brand new member and this is my 1st post! My Dad just arrived for the weekend. We wenting fishing for the first time in 25 years. A large bass damm near pulled Dad into the pond! Guess who Dad is?

:wink: Joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to our nice little home!
Fishing - smoking - you fit right in!
A large bass almost pulled your dad in???

:eek:mg: :eek:mg: :flush:

I've heard of big ass bass before, but that's . . .

:eek:mg: :eek:mg: :bolt:

Welcome. Light up a cigar, sit back and don't let that dang bass in here.

Malone's in OKC

The answer is......MALONE! We are having a great time, we already hit the local cigar store and about to head to my father-in-laws cattle ranch. We'll see how Malone does with the cows!
I have a feeling your dad's going to walk up to the biggest bull in the pasture, tell him not to give him any lip, light up a cigar and proceed to boss them around. He'll probably try to give them tips on more efficient grazing techniques.

:cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :pumpkin: :cryinlaugh:
malone is bar none one of the toughest guys i know. those cattle better stay in line. :D

who is watching the goldens?
Malone: So you're the Boss Bull, huh? Well, just don't give me any bullcrap about my cigar and we'll get along just fine. Ever think of grazing this pasture against the grain?

Boss Bull: Oh, I love it, just don't give me any bullcrap about my cigar and we'll get along just fine. Where you from, Noo Yawk? Union guy? I got a couple friends who do sheetrock up that way, just retired. They like cigars, too.

Malone: You guys went union? Since when? What's this bullcrap about sheetrocking?

Boss Bull: There he goes with the bullcrap again. You construction bosses crack me up. I weigh 4,100 pounds out in the 100 degree sun, my tail weighs more than you do, and you come in here like gangbusters. Hey, GANG busters, I made a funny, no bullcrap Malone.

Malone: LOL!!! You're pretty funny for a head of cattle. Too bad you don't smoke cigars, we could have a party.

Boss Bull: Who you tellin' he doesn't smoke cigars? You wanna see my humidor?

Malone: Humidor? Boy, you really know how to throw the bull around, PUN INTENDED!!!

Boss Bull: Okay, Mr. Con-STRUCK-shin Boss Smartass, whaddaya call that?

Malone: (Opus X "A", not even half smoked, drops out of his mouth and into a nearby cow patty as the Boss Bull walks over to a shed, pulls open the door by hooking his horn into a ring on the door, and reveals his cabinet humidor, filled with boxes and boxes of the world's finest, including Cubans. To the side of the immaculately kept shed is a bar, with a small refrigerator.) Hummuna, hummuna, hummuna, . . .

Boss Bull: Heyyyyyy, don't look so surprised, what's there for an old bull to do out here all day? It's not like any of these old cows are anything to have sex with. I mean look at Flossie, would you do her, c'mon, be honest?

Malone: Well, I guess I see what you mean, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, right?

Boss Bull: Riiiiight, now lemme getcha replacement for that $25 cigar you just dropped into one of Bessie's calling cards. Cuban, another Opus, what's your pleasure? Oh, all drinks are on the house of course, no BULL, LOL!!!!

Malone: Heyyyyy, no bull, that's a good one. Listen, about this sheetrocking you were telling me about . . .

Boss Bull: Oh, I used to, not anymore, got a bad back, but I still do a little painting, nothing on ladders though, and I do all kinds of plumbing.

Malone: You don't say? Hey, maybe we could do some business.

Boss Bull: Fer sure. How 'bout some bourbon? Got fifty in stock, top shelf gin, beer, whatever?

American Enterprise and Networking, . . .

no bull.

Wait'll we publish the video. Gotta get Malone's permission, of course. You should see that bull's crew put up sheetrock. Left Malone shaking his head at the end of the day. :cryinlaugh:
Enjoy the ranch! Bloof, you are too much my friend. Looking forward to having a stick and chatting with malone when he get's back from KC. Welcome Ram to our little place in cyberspace!
Thanks for welcoming my son. Rams is my only pride in life.. My pride and joy. He will help keep my stories accurate- he was there.
All my stories are true.
In one month I'm " Running with the bulls" with 12 Marines in OKC. Call me - a blast- this is my last try.