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I'm on board with 1 thread , 3 week wait after being a mooch and cut down from 4 days to 1 or 2 days to ask the question. I think 1 to 2 days would speed up the game and more people can play. thats my 2cents.
I'd be up for another PIF... I'd just like the rules to be different. What gets sent seems like a good place to start. Maybe your 2-3 favorite cigars (in my case, OpusX, REO, and Flor de Oliva Maduro), or perhaps a several everyday (<$5) smokes PIF. Or hell, even a "super premium only" PIF. I've got a lot (29 left) of OpusX thank's to Macallan's humi space making, so I'd love to trade a few for other high end sticks to try.
I'm not sure how to lock a thread????
I think the one PIF is god, make it more exciting.
I think the rule changes are a good idea -
I think one thread is enough. It would get confusing fast, plus you wouldn't be able to tell about what you got as easily. I also think that the PIF thread is way to big now. I think its time to restart it.
"I think one thread is enough."

(Shew! It was difficult enough beating everyone in one thread. I was NOT looking forward to spanking Devil Dog and Doc in TWO threads.)

Well, you know, whatever you guys want.
Maybe something like a "your favourite cigar" PIF where you send the person the cigar you like the most?

Or an "everyday smoke" PIF?

Why not combine them and have a "your favourite cigar and your everyday cheapo cigar" PIF...

Just my 2c...
We have decided to only have one PIF - with a few new rules.
The 3X3X3 rule please see the first post in the original PIF thread
for rule changes & explanations.
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