pay it forward?

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Wow. So DevilDog723 is going to get to try a premium Puerto Rican cigar and what might be Puerto Rico's finest rum. Sounds like it's all good, as the young folks say.
Bloofington said:
Wow. So DevilDog723 is going to get to try a premium Puerto Rican cigar and what might be Puerto Rico's finest rum. Sounds like it's all good, as the young folks say.

Oh yes!

I'll let everyone now how good they are!
Wow, I can't waited this long to post this. Anybody notice the domination of the fantasy football league by the Giants? Anybody? By the way, who wants to be my Amback Mooch?
Congrats DevilDog:

Send me a PM with address and what strengths of cigars you prefer!

I am a little disappointed that you didn't note my domination of the fantasy football league!

Kelvin said:
Congrats DevilDog:

Send me a PM with address and what strengths of cigars you prefer!

I am a little disappointed that you didn't note my domination of the fantasy football league!


I do apologize about the lack of's just that I don't get the whole fantasy sports thing. Sorry.


PM sent.
Got it man - I should be able to get it out today or tomorrow at the latest. I will let you know when it leaves the office. It will have my company address in the return address.
Devil Dog:

I got the package together before the mailman arrived - it's on the way!

Kelvin said:
Devil Dog:

I got the package together before the mailman arrived - it's on the way!


Got it today, Kelvin!
I have Cusano 18 in my humi right now. I haven't tried it yet, but I look forward to it tonight! The Ashton and Partagas I've been wanting to try and the Black Pearl I've never even heard of. What's it like?

Oh yeah.......who wants to be my Amback mooch!?
Big Paintbrush said:
Am I too much of a forum n00b to be your AmBack Mooch?

Of course not! Congrats!

It took me a while to win one finally.
PM me your strength prefs and I'll get them out to you this weekend!
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