pay it forward?

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TexasCanuk said:
I'll be your Amback Mooch :)

Well, that took long enough, I was beginning to think no one loved me out here. PM your addie, it will be a couple more days before I can get anything together, I am down with the flu right now.

By the way, how do you feel about "Canadian" cigars????
Big Paintbrush said:
Bikeman, I was REALLY surprised no one JUMPED on your mooch offer, considering your location!!!

I WOULD have, but I was just the mooch not too long ago!

I was thinking the same thing - but I was just the mooch a few weeks back. Of course now we have put a ton of pressure on Bikeman!
Lol.. I was curious about that myself. Im sure everyone would like to have a "canadian" cigar! lol :wink:
And I was worried that someone might jump on me for being tooo forward. I cannot afford the real expensive canadian ones but I have found too brands that are nice and mild, and not too expensive. Plus, the interest in the CA magazine has got me thinking......
Don't cave in to peer pressure man!


I can say that because I won't jump in for at least a month.
Big Paintbrush said:
<---- Looks at his watch. Looks at TexasCanuk.

tap. tap. tap.

:wink: :wink: :wink:

(As the Jeopardy music plays in the background)
I could use more sticks,

Then again I was a mooch not even a month ago.....


I'm gonna have to get back with you.
I would mooch, but I'm too new to this board. So I'll have to pass on this until I build up a rep with you folks. :twisted: I don't have a lot of sticks either, mostly single sticks, and I'd hate to keep anyone waiting for more than a week.
Doc-T said:
I would mooch, but I'm too new to this board. So I'll have to pass on this until I build up a rep with you folks. :twisted: I don't have a lot of sticks either, mostly single sticks, and I'd hate to keep anyone waiting for more than a week.

NO YOU DONT!!! Doc, this IS how you build up a "rep" here. I think you should take it!!!
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