pay it forward?

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Now don't forget to post the magic question when I'm the only one online to reply. :)

This really does sound like fun. Once I finally "win" my mooch is getting at least four sticks. I've decided to hold myself to a personal rule to include a bonus Flor de Oliva with every shipment because they're cheap and I love them. They're not the *best*, but they're damned good for $2/stick. Usually it'll be a maduro.
Now isn't a good time to "pop the question" because Big Paintbrush is watching.

Big Paintbrush-
Don't you want to be my mooch? Of course you do. :D
Good Luck Zandor, and I'd be delighted to lose, so i could be your mooch. I've never had a Flor de Oliva before.

THANK YOU SPIDER :D I will be returning the jesture on tueday or wednesday. I'm just waiting for a delivery so I can send you something really special.
Go Jesse!! Go Jesse!! Go Jesse go!!

That was a cheer just in case any of you didn't know.
Here I sit, its only 7pm DDog time (10pm) my time and I'm ready for bed, but I'm not going. I'm gonna sit here and wait for the question. I wonder If I can get him transfered to North Carolina so he'd be in my time zone. :sleeping:
All this staying up late... Just wait, he'll pop the question at the crack of dawn while all the people waiting up for it are passed out.
But you can always count on them!

Have a great day guys and gals, its SATURDAY!
DD when is the last possible time you can ask the question?????? I want to make sure I'll be around.
Just picked up your PIF package! WOWOWOWOW! :shock:

You are just way too generous! The Cusano Maduro is all that I really wanted. But NO, you had to go ahead and add all those other WONDERFUL and TASTEY sticks!

Thanks again,
jesse52 said:
DD when is the last possible time you can ask the question?????? I want to make sure I'll be around.
I'll be busy all day long so I probably won't be on again until this evening. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'll be asking the question later. It just means that I'll be on later! :twisted:
anticipation, its a wonderfull thing. I'll be at a work event from 5pm to 11pm tonight (my time) I''l check on you when I get home, otherwise I'll be waiting for the question tomorrow.
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