pay it forward?

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Big Paintbrush said:
I HATE it when Mooch winners drag out the asking process, acting like they're SPECIAL or sumthin'

Don't ya'll?

So, who wants to be my Amback Mooch?

:p VERY good, BP...VERY good! lol
LOL...yes you do! I don't think I can top this one brother...I am most impressed 8)
how have i mised this thread .......looks cool 8) not sure i know what its about guess ill have to read te whole thing :shock:
so do we have an established window that we need to ask the question?(minimum/maximum).....going to be in and out for the rest of the weekend
Spider - are you asking in your profile? If so .. I will be your amback mooch! I haven't been on in awhile though - so i don't know when you changed it.
Man, that was fast! :p hehe... You could have at least ACTED like you were fooled :dunno: :dunno:

I believe I still have your

I will leave my profile this way for a bit longer incase anyone has doubts...then will change it back
Thanks Dood*!

I am psyched!!!!!

* Attributed to BP - Ronn Stern Incorporated a subsidiary of Ronnco Enterprises. Any similarities to Ron Popeil are strictly coincidental.
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