Ready to get out my guns....

Joined Feb 2003
316 Posts | 0+
against tobacco beetles. I'm all paranoid about my cigars. San Francisco's had a batch of good weather lately. My humidor's been at 80 degrees for the past couple of days. Maybe I should try sticking my humidor in the garage? It's at least a few degrees cooler down there.
be careful. beetles will kill your stash. make sure you keep as many of your sticks in cello as possible. I have not seen a beetle eat through any of my cigars with cello. I am not sure if they can or cant but that has been my experience.
Bildo's right. The beetles will go right through the cello.

Try your basement. Garage can heat up as well if it is above ground.
I recommend a wine cooler/fridge

they are nt that much $125 and will keep your smoke rock on att 65 degrees, with some climmax beads your all set!

I'll try and dig up some more info!
Here in Callleeeefornya, we don't got no sticking basements. Didn't realize this until a friend from the east coast pointed it out, after I called my garage the basement.

Another hot day in SF and my humidor was a nice cool 68 degrees in the garage. Being a wine geek I have a wine cooler. I hate to say this but if I got another one for my cigars, eventually the cigars would get the boot for more wine.
Yeah, don't worry about the garage, it should be okay, even one that's not really a basement. Just keep checking those dials. :D
Up until now I've been getting away with keeping my humidors in a closet under my staircase. It's located in the center of my house and has no walls adjacent to outside. It keeps a temp of roughly 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house. But now CC has me really considering the wine cooler idea for when I'm away :roll: :)
A wine cooler with fine temperature adjustments would be a jewel. Throw in an oasis humidifier and you're set for trips!

The wine cooler my dad has at home doesn't have fine temp. adjustments but there are 7 different settings so that should be okay. I'll see if he'll let me store my fine cigars with his fine wines :lol:
montnoir said:
A wine cooler with fine temperature adjustments would be a jewel. Throw in an oasis humidifier and you're set for trips!

The wine cooler my dad has at home doesn't have fine temp. adjustments but there are 7 different settings so that should be okay. I'll see if he'll let me store my fine cigars with his fine wines :lol:

Usually wine is kept a little colder then cigars. (I think)
I do not drink so it beyond me range.
I do think - with a wine coller a Cigar Oasis in nice, but
I'd add the Climmax Beads when possible.
I know when they kick on the RH tends to drop and the Oasis will kick on, then if the RH goes up - the beads will bring it back down.
For the extra $20 - well worth it!
It's been rather cool here in the northeast. Send half to Bloof, half to me. We'll ship back as soon as the weather breaks, I promise.
If I remember correctly the highest temperature setting for my wine thingy is 65 degrees.

Colonel, thanks for the offer. Should I send you the cap or the foot halves? Also, what's the best way to reassemble come fall?
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that generally, most wine coolers are at lower temp. than what cigars should be stored at. But I'm sure that there is a wine cooler out there that will allow fine adjsutments in temperature to suit cigars.
I wonder if storing at a lower temp would actually damage the cigars or merely slow down the aging process?
We had a full blown discussion about that recently. Someone complained that his cigars didn't taste right after being stored in cold temperatures. We didn't come to any conclusion if memory serves me correct. One thing that WILL speed up the aging process is lower humidity. It stands to reason that proper humidity, i.e., 65-70% will definitely stabilize it, and perhaps higher humidity might retard the aging process. Of course, in the presence of higher humidity levels such as 70-75%, you are risking beetles.

It would be interesting for everyone to "sacrifice" five or ten cigars from their collection to be separated and stored at lower temperature levels to do a study, but I don't know if any of us can afford that.
I am with bloof on the lower humidity assisting most in aging. I still keep my cabinet at 68-70 just to be on the safe side. Temp I find best at 70 degrees and dont typically panic about beatles until the temp heads north of 78.

If I can say anything about effective aging I find consistency to be the key. Invest in an electric unit. Once humidity start fuctuating regularly it upsets the cigars.
I've read that lower temperature won't damage cigars, per se, but will slow down, if not completely stop, the aging process. I guess if any damage done, it's because at lower temperatures, it's just harder to keep the RH up (in my experience).