Cigar Trade Son of Pay It Forward

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boy, you give a newbie the power, and it goes to his head!

Tick, tock, tick, tock.....
Iway owknay allway ouyay uysgay areway itchinway otay oochmay
ymay igarscay utbay I'mway otnay oinggay otay askway ethay
uestionway untilway Iway etgay omehay ickkay ymay eetfay upway andway okesmay away igarcay ofway ymay ownway. Ifway ouyay antway itway Iway ouldshay ebay ostingpay ethay estionquay aroundway idnightmay easternway imetay!!!
Yeah, What he said!
(and shame on you if you can't translate pig latin, and miss out on this mooch)
I'm still ineligible.....

:( Rob
I didn't know anyone knew how to write pig latin.
I though the stopped teaching that in school a while back.

But then again i was in LA unified so i'm sure i got shafted on a bunch of education
Adam, you are one crazy dude!! You fit right in here, that is for sure!!

Now....isn't anyone going to take the rookie's smokes?????
motion123 - I sent a pm w/ the mooch address. I lost the wireless connection in the middle of it so please let me know if it doesn't come through.
The newbie comes in from behind and takes the win!
Congrats, Catmechanic! :D
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