Super Bowl

Joined Jan 2006
234 Posts | 0+
Northern California
Let me start by saying; I'm a Raider fan. Believe me, it takes alot. Yes I remember 1986. Yes I know some of you were born that year. I even remember 1972 when Franco Harris made that non-catch. Ah...memories. This year it looks like we may have a game. If Chi town's defence can get in Payton's face enough they could win. If not, I'm afraid the Colts may walk away with a ring. I lean towards the Colts but I just love Chicago. I dunno why. I guess it's because I think they deserve it. I think it will be a fun game to watch. My daughter has scheduled my grandson's second birthday party for that day. I know I will not be going to Disneyland. In two weeks Nascar kicks off and life can get back to what I consider "normal". Even with Dale dead, us "Motor Heads" love to see the crashes, oopps I mean the excitement of bumper to bumper racing. Yea that's the ticket.

This leaves us with that decision of what to smoke while we enjoy our favorite sport. Hummmm. I no longer have a problem picking a stick. I take a hand-ker-chif and tie it around my eyes and just reach in my hummi and wah lah, I have a stick. ( then I switch it for the one I really want)(but I can never decide which one I really want)(so I just find a corner and sob). When the sun comes back out I believe I will regain my happy attitude. I believe my winter crappy blues will die away. I believe that when I get up in the morning my first thought will not be, " I wanna go back to bed". I spotted some buds on the plumb tree today. There is hope. Once taxes are paid and the days get longer and the sun gets warmer and the race cars get faster and I can take off my long underwear, I can be happy again. I hate the winter. I hate the cold. I hate the dark. The end of football season means the beginning of a new season. A season of hope and love. The birds will come back and the bugs will infest the air. The heat will return and I can sweat again. The night time will shrink and the day drag on. Shorts and (foot) thongs and tee shirts, ah yes, the return of hope.

I am looking forward to the END of the Super Bowl, so we can get on with Spring and that wonderful thing we call summer. Warm temps and bugs and bees and bird poop on the car and sweat and BBQ and fishing and sun burns. Yes there is hope my dear friends. Hope is in the air. God Bless.
I look forward to the warmer weather. We can all get outside, back into nature, and enjoy a fine smoke.
Amen to the warmer weather wishes. It's about six degrees here, wind is 25-30 and biting, whiteout conditions. It's so miserable out that if you stand outside with your mouth open the air gets sucked out of your lungs. No cigar for me today.

Good news is that the Super Bowl gets over, Nascar starts, baseball spring training is not far off, NHL playoffs are close, March Madness.. All the indicators that frozen hell on earth is almost over.

Puxatawney Phil is a liar I tell you.
we have a blistering 3 above right now. game day we expect to make it all the way up to 10. Time to break out the swimming trunks.
I sit here in the freezing cold -2 degrees right now. I live in north west IN. There are more Bears fans then colts fans. I understand becasue of the closeness of Chicago. I am glad i went down south IN to school and got to watch the colts from way back when. The colys are going to walk away with a win here. i have to work so i have to tivo the game and watch it when i get home. tonight its susposed to be -5 degress with a windchill of -25 degrees, for thoes who don't know what wind chill is your lucky. Wind chill is the temp out side felt of the exposed skin due to the combination of air temp and wind speed. I think peyton manning needs a win here to be considered one of the best. Rex probably has a few more years to be able to take the bears or who ever he is with to win a ring. i dont think gould ever do it with out his defence but thats another story. GO COLTS!!!!
So I have everything set for my Super Bowl party. I've got a cooler full of beer, several meat and cheese trays, barbecue mini hot dogs, chocolate brownies, three kinds of gourmet crackers, spreadable cheddar, mini dills, and a box of Rocky Patel Fusions for everyone to my son is sick and the party is cancelled.

It figures. My little boy comes first though. I guess I'll have fun trying to consume everything by myself.
pick-n-stick said:
I sit here in the freezing cold -2 degrees right now. I live in north west IN. There are more Bears fans then colts fans. I understand becasue of the closeness of Chicago. I am glad i went down south IN to school and got to watch the colts from way back when. The colys are going to walk away with a win here. i have to work so i have to tivo the game and watch it when i get home. tonight its susposed to be -5 degress with a windchill of -25 degrees, for thoes who don't know what wind chill is your lucky. Wind chill is the temp out side felt of the exposed skin due to the combination of air temp and wind speed. I think peyton manning needs a win here to be considered one of the best. Rex probably has a few more years to be able to take the bears or who ever he is with to win a ring. i dont think gould ever do it with out his defence but thats another story. GO COLTS!!!!

did you know wind chill is actually a military creation? in WWII they made up the scale so that the GIs would be more informed. Here is how it works:
there is a set amount of water in a glass container. At 0*F it will freeze at a very specific rate from the boiling point (212*f) (i think thats where its started) when the wind chill is -25* the water will freeze as if it is -25* out.

...or something like that.
I did not know that about the military creating the wind chill. Thats cool. I guess you do learn something new everyday, thanks kuzi
chrisguinther said:
So I have everything set for my Super Bowl party. I've got a cooler full of beer, several meat and cheese trays, barbecue mini hot dogs, chocolate brownies, three kinds of gourmet crackers, spreadable cheddar, mini dills, and a box of Rocky Patel Fusions for everyone to my son is sick and the party is cancelled.

It figures. My little boy comes first though. I guess I'll have fun trying to consume everything by myself.

Let me know how that goes :lol: Cooler full of beer, all that food and a box of cigars. Damn.

Hope the little guy feels better soon.
Thanks Andrew,
I'm half tempted just to go out to the garage with a sick pack and a few cigars and not even watch the game at this point.
and Chris,
If you are stuck with TOO MANY Fusions, you can just pop 5 or 6 into one of those convenient DHL packages you have on hand and send 'em right to Jersey.......

( Sue me. There were no shameless mooch attempts yet today....)
Ya know, I really wanted to help Chris out with his dillema. The trouble is that the food would go bad by the time he mailed it here and it's illegal to ship alcohol across state lines. I guess I will have to settle for taking those Fusions off your hands. :lol:

Rob, your right brother, that was shameless. I'm offering to help, you were just mooching. :p

Oh and heres my prediction for the Super Bowl: Colts 27 Bears 17
I hate Peyton Manning;

But so far this is a close game. I just hope that Rex can do something in the second half. Its the half time show riht now and I refuse to watch Prince. My wife was sound asleeep on the couch for the game and I was ready to watch the Stupid Bowl on Howrad Stern on demand; but my wife suddenly woke up to say " the only reason I wathc the superbowl is the half time show". So no stupid bowl for me.
the half time show was amazing i thought, prince was great imho, this has been one of the better super bowls in a while i, etc...
Games over & I missed every play, didn't even listen on the radio, but I did treat my self to a Fusion , great smoke , it went well with the Guatemalan coffee .
went past ehe bank , it was +2F , even kept the sun roof closed most of the time , had to vent it a few times but Dammmmmm it was cold, hope you all enjoyed the game, now I have to wait till morning to see if I won the football pool , I forgot to write down my numbers dammmmm, oh well I can hold off till Monady Morning ! , Enjoy, Vinmce
At least we don't have to hear about Peyton and his ability to win the big one anymore.

Its not whether you win or lose, its if you cover the spread. So in this case it's a double loss.
Some info I had hoped to never learn first hand. My car thermometer will register negative numbers. -17 this morning.

Glad to see Peyton and Dungy get the win. And that I can smoke in doors! Enjoyed a RP Olde World and ran the HEPA filter full bore.