This occur to you too?

Joined Jun 2005
2K Posts | 0+
McHenry, IL
This is more for the "noobs" than anyone but applies to all. Did anybody learn it was wrong to light a cigar with a lighter from watching Hellboy (In Russia Hellboy starts to light up with his famous zippo and the head agent guy stops him to have him use a wooden match)? I was telling a friend not to light a cigar I gave him with his disposable and thought of this scene. Then I thought,
"hey, that's the first time I heard that" and wondered how many people learned the same way. Or any other movie or TV show?
Well, it's said that lighting a cigar with a zippo will impart an unpleasent flavour from the fuel (which isn't clean burning, btw) so that's why it's not desirable to light a cigar with a zippo.

A disposable lighter (for example, Bic) should be fine. I use bics whenever I don't have a torch on hand and they do the job just as well - only slower.
I actually took this scene to heart when I started into cigars last year. Until I got my colibri lighter for my anniversary, I used plain old wood kitchen matches. Hard to do in a breeze, but they're cheap and if you strike 2-3 together, you get a pretty good flame.
Zippos and candles are a no!
But a bic is fine, in fact I prefer a soft flame to relight a cigar,
but use my Dupont Extend almost always.
Wod splines, wood matches, flame thrower what ever works!
Okay, so I didn't need to lecture my friend but it still seems improper to me to light a nice stick with an 89 cent bic.
I had a lighter for a long time that had 2 flames.
A torch when you pressed down and then a soft flame when you released the button.
It was a cheapy, but I used it till it died.
I've seen a lot of thought go into lighting cigars.
I think lighting it without drawing the smoke from lighting it
is the most important & for that reason the torch works best.
(For Me!)
Lighting the end and blowing out to remove that first smoke will make a cigar taste better.
That said - in my car, outdoors, on the run & for the quick light I put a flame to a cigar and puff.
Indoor with time roasting the end - blowing out and then smoking.
Butane, match wood spline all work!