Joined Sep 2003
9K Posts | 0+
Puerto Rico/NYC
Bloofington said:Not so much double spacing, Vince. I suggest that would NOT work. :sm_angel:
Maybe, like . . .
ummmmmmm, actual sentences, spell check, paragraphs. Remember about six years ago, when Fast Freddy told me PARAGRAPHS, BLOOF!!! He was right. I think back to the stuff I used to type, and even though it was grammatically correct and properly spelled, . . .
NO PARAGRAPHS!!! So, first, maybe real sentences, and then paragraphs.
Of course, if you do, we might not be able to recognize you.
:cryinlaugh: :rotflmao:umpkin: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :flush: :flush: :help: :giveup:
phisherman said:Hmmm.. tofu vs. T bone....... tough decision. I think I'll have to go with a t bone.
vince said:I never had a hunk of beef cooked with ground coffee for a crust, Might need to do some late night kitchen experiments !
Enjoy, Vince
vince said:phisherman said:Hmmm.. tofu vs. T bone....... tough decision. I think I'll have to go with a t bone.
I too would also WANT the T Bone , but the tofu is a lot easyer for me to digest , dammmmm it sucks getting old ! , but it beats the alternative ! hahahaha Enjoy, Vince
Cloudy , a saulte to you sir for giving up fermented & distilled drinks , I do that a few times a year, ( like when I run out of a single malt 3 or 4 days before payday hahahaha ) & I give up caffeine every day about 3 or 4 PM, thats when I switch to decalf & when brewed correctly in a Freedom press pot it has a wonderful taste as long as you use good coffee to start with, I happen to enjoy 8 O'Clock decalf as well as any & the price is right
I do understand about chanhing habbits & starting to live a different life style, since my By pass April of 04 I have been on a down hill slide in the tonnage deptment, dropping 202 pounds so far ! ( I was 417 ) , last night was a killer, for some unknown reason I had the munchies , BAD, almonds , M&M's & I got out of bed at 2am for some watermellon, , this has GOT TO STOP !!!!!
keep up the good work & enjoy the lime water with a cigar, I am going to have a squeeze of Lime in my coffee with a Lampera Robusto in a few minutes ! Enjoy, Vince