Cigar Trade TRADES

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If anyone has a surplus of Cusano Corojos they'd like to trade off give me a hollar.
Okay brothers, Chris and I have our trade going, but I need to get me some more cigars.

I am looking for for some Cusano Conneticut, and some LGC Wavell Maduros. PM me for an interesting offer, and with your requests.
Anyone have any of the Arturo Fuente Sungrown Cuban Belicosos?? Tried one a few months ago, liked em, and now I can't find them. PM me if you want to try and work something out...
acharpe said:
Anyone have any of the Arturo Fuente Sungrown Q*ban Belicosos?? Tried one a few months ago, liked em, and now I can't find them. PM me if you want to try and work something out...

Aubrey, PM sent.
i also have about 12 af sungrown cuban belicosos id like to trade...lookin for some tatuajes, pepin garcias, cabaiguans, etc...along those lines or anything else you may think id be interested in...

ps.- i posted this outside of this thread as its own thread but in the trades/passes section and it got deleted, not sure why cuz i see other trade offers posted in their own thread...if a mod wants to pm me as too why so i dont make the mistake again, cool

I know HighPSI your question has been taken care of, but we are just trying to keep the forums a bit more organized. With the new format there is a chance to make the site a bit easier to find the information that you are looking for.
no problem, i understand, thanks for your guys help...i just reread my ps and it reads a little harsh- sorry bout that didnt mean for it too so apologies if i offended anyone..
I'm looking for a couple of 5 Vegas Cask Strength.

Anybody willing to make a trade shoot me a pm.
hi all,

I am really wanting to try the Don Pepin Garcia Series JJ stick. Anyone want to work out a trade for a couple?

PM if interested

Anyone intereted in some Zino Platinum Scepter Stout?
I got a couple im willing to trade
Good flavor but a little to mild for me
8-5-8 Sungrown

I'm probably reaching a bit here but...

I've been unable to try the 8-5-8 Sungrown. It's the one with the black band on the bottom. Otherwise, it looks like a regular 8-5-8. Not to be confused with the cameroon which does not have a band on it. I have some Anejos, Opus, etc. that I would be willing to trade. Allegedly, they have about the same MSRP as a regular 8-5-8, but I can't find the dang things. If anyone's willing to trade, please PM me.
Re: 8-5-8 Sungrown

acharpe said:
I'm probably reaching a bit here but...

I've been unable to try the 8-5-8 Sungrown. It's the one with the black band on the bottom. Otherwise, it looks like a regular 8-5-8. Not to be confused with the cameroon which does not have a band on it. I have some Anejos, Opus, etc. that I would be willing to trade. Allegedly, they have about the same MSRP as a regular 8-5-8, but I can't find the dang things. If anyone's willing to trade, please PM me.

I could swear one of my local B & M's carries those. I won't be there again until Tuesday but I will take a peek for you.
Re: 8-5-8 Sungrown

Cloudy said:
acharpe said:
I'm probably reaching a bit here but...

I've been unable to try the 8-5-8 Sungrown. It's the one with the black band on the bottom. Otherwise, it looks like a regular 8-5-8. Not to be confused with the cameroon which does not have a band on it. I have some Anejos, Opus, etc. that I would be willing to trade. Allegedly, they have about the same MSRP as a regular 8-5-8, but I can't find the dang things. If anyone's willing to trade, please PM me.

I could swear one of my local B & M's carries those. I won't be there again until Tuesday but I will take a peek for you.

Maybe not. Sorry if I falsely got your hopes up Aubrey. I'd like to try a couple myself so if anybody does have a couple to trade and Aubrey is taken care of then give me a holler.
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