Cigar Trade TRADES

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ChrisG, BarcoChris...

Re: Anejo trade

Will send out your packages tomorrow.

- Chris

Hmm, trio of Chris' in a trade. 8)

CorojoBrad, check your PM.

I am not sure what I am going to send you but I promise that You will not be disapointed...
Anejo Trade

Barcochris, got your PM. All I can say is WOW!

CorojoBrad, got your PM. Will try to send your package out today, if not, tomorrow as I am at work already.
My anejos are now spoken for, but I wouldn't mind doing another trade with someone. Wouldn't mind picking up a Ghurka or two......
I did have mail!!!! Now YOU have mail!!!!! :thumbsup:
kelvin, did you get my most recent pm?
just wanna make sure b/c for some reason its storing some of my sent messages in my "sent box" and others of them in my "outbox" and i dont know what the dif is...
HighPSI said:
kelvin, did you get my most recent pm?
just wanna make sure b/c for some reason its storing some of my sent messages in my "sent box" and others of them in my "outbox" and i dont know what the dif is...

Out box is the PMs you have sent but have not been opened by the recipient yet. once they are opened, they go to your sent box
, PM right back at ya!

edit: oops, replied back to the wrong thread. :oops:
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