
Joined Feb 2006
2K Posts | 3+
Kelvin's House
This is a great series written by Stephanie Meyer. My wife and I waited for a long time for this movie to come out. It did not dissapoint. The took some libertys with the adaptation but for the most part it was true to the book. I really enjoyed it and recomend it to anybody.

Any other Twilight fans?
I never heard of this series etc. My 12 year old daughter went to see it last night with some friends. She got home about 9:30 and would not shut up about it. "The Best Movie Ever", "I want to see it 40 more times" "Can we go back tomorrow and see it again". I am not kidding. I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep. She went on and on to wife till about 11:00 talking about it.
WoW...Good compairison Rob! Chris = 12 year old girl!

I have already added it to NETFLIX.
well to add a little more fuel to the fire, since we are in the bash Chris mode.

The wife and I wore matching Twilight t shirts. adn remarked to Corinna Can we go see it again tomorrow.

Come one let me have it

I got think, with friends like you all who needs enemys.
I bet yall even dressed up as Harry and Hermiani to go see Harry Potter!
Chris, my daughter will send you her "Sisters of the Traveling Pants" dvd if you'd like. She's 13 now and it's more your speed now. I don't think they make t-shirts for it though.
A guy I play racquetball was drug to see this movie with his daughter. He was telling me about all the teenie boppers in the movie waiving their cell phones like lighters when it started....I could only laugh, imagining Chris sitting there amongst all those teens waiving his brand new cell phone in perfect rhythm.
Kelvin said:
Chris, my daughter will send you her "Sisters of the Traveling Pants" dvd if you'd like. She's 13 now and it's more your speed now. I don't think they make t-shirts for it though.
Stop Stop; pouch my sides. Too funny; just too funny.

Chris I'll take some heat off of you.

So my daughter bought Twilight at the book fair at school. We have a rule with her; she cannot start a book while she is reading a book for a book report (she gets confused too easily and needs help in reading comprehension; she does not like to pay attention). So I asked if I could read it (it looks like it might be a little racey and too old for her: I wanted to get the gist of it). So I am half way through in only 3 nights and will finish it by the end of the week.
Yes Phish, But did you wear your black cape and fangs to opening night of the movie???
Dave Thanks for the support,, but one must stand alone with this crowd.
Barcochris said:
Dave Thanks for the support,, but one must stand alone with this crowd.

They are a ruthless bunch. I stand with you and Dave, Chris.