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Alright, well regardless of who will be mods, if I could offer a suggestion: let's put the box pass on hold and go with the small trades to get reputation and popsitive trafer feedback. That way we can see who really is in this for the community.

What do you all say?
Alright, well regardless of who will be mods, if I could offer a suggestion: let's put the box pass on hold and go with the small trades to get reputation and popsitive trafer feedback. That way we can see who really is in this for the community.

What do you all say?

Yea, that happened about 6 hours ago...
Emjay - I think that's a good idea. There are a few times that box passes and trades got a little funky.
Alright, well regardless of who will be mods, if I could offer a suggestion: let's put the box pass on hold and go with the small trades to get reputation and popsitive trafer feedback. That way we can see who really is in this for the community.

What do you all say?

I think this a good idea.

Look, the bottom line is this:

I apologize for sounding like a prick. It just itches my ass that a guy with four posts over the coarse of 6 years tries to get in on a box pass. And then no involvement from a mod or admin on the matter. I think the majotiry of us are reputable and trustworth when it comes to trading and passes. And I also think that the majority of us are hospitible to new guys wanting to trade or BST, we just don't want that hospitibilty to be taken advantage of. So it looks like we will make the best of things and be self governing until the admin steps up to address issues such as BTS, passes, etc.

Connor, good idea on pulling the plug.

Look, the bottom line is this:

I apologize for sounding like a prick. It just itches my ass that a guy with four posts over the coarse of 6 years tries to get in on a box pass. And then no involvement from a mod or admin on the matter. I think the majotiry of us are reputable and trustworth when it comes to trading and passes. And I also think that the majority of us are hospitible to new guys wanting to trade or BST, we just don't want that hospitibilty to be taken advantage of. So it looks like we will make the best of things and be self governing until the admin steps up to address issues such as BTS, passes, etc.

Connor, good idea on pulling the plug.


You said what we were all thinking, Bro. His post raised a bunch of eyebrows. I'm thinking of starting a "Newbie Sampler Trade" of sorts. It would be an organized way for us "newbies" to trade with one another and build rep. I know Barochris started an informal trade thread and I don't want to step on his toes by posting another, so I'll just put it out there as a suggestion, and if everyone likes it then we will do it.

ctshadewrapper- It's wonderful you want to get involved, but as you can see your post raised some brows. If you're truly interested in being a part of this community, I would keep posting, get to know everyone better, and engage in some trades.
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I would suggest just have the regular trade thread, man. No sense in singling out the newbies, especially since there aren't a ton of them. Just offer a trade out there, something you have in stock and see who the takers are.
Or the PIF could be a good way to get started.
I like the PIF idea too.

The "Newbie" isn't meant to single them out, just to get them to trade with reputable members. I'm including myself in that newbie category.
Ok guys this is getting a little silly. you all know who ctshadewrapper is. Flagman (rob) is one of the most upstanding guys out here and just cause it is a different user name does not me he is a newbie. I am sure when Lash comes around he will be able to get Robs account straight.
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Ok guys this is getting a little silly. you all know who ctshadewrapper is. Flagman (rob) is one of the most upstanding guys out here and just cause it is a different user name does not me he is a newbie. I am sure when Lash comes around he will be able to get Robs account straight.

At first I had no idea, it was Sunday and I was drinking heavily :D. Now as for the Upstanding comment :dunno::duh:
At least I didn't ask what something was when there was a photo right in front of my face ;)
The embarrassing part is that I called out the admin over this. Wow...:oops:

I am shocked at how I have been treated by people who I thought were my friends. Good Bye, Cruel world!!! :smile: Just because I didn't have the time to introduce myself and get corn all over my nose like some of you fellas!
I am shocked at how I have been treated by people who I thought were my friends. Good Bye, Cruel world!!! :smile: Just because I didn't have the time to introduce myself and get corn all over my nose like some of you fellas!

Good riddance! We don't need yau type roun' her'